Mind-Matter Entanglement with Flames & Flowers
Part 3
by Edmond Chouinard, 485 River Avenue, Providence, RI 02908 USA
Abstract Flame movements and Flower perturbations are seen to be a function of mentally directed protocols. It appears that mental protocols that send out thoughts and energy, even from distant points around the world, directly affect targeted objects in the laboratory. Electro-optical position and motion detection systems monitor the mentally targeted objects, to correlate movements with protocols. The targets appear to receive information in this extraordinary remote communication, like telepathy or telekinesis, though a more complete understanding will undoubtedly be found through quantum entanglement. Movements of flickering flames are found to significantly change according to mental protocols of agitated Turbulence or of loving Quietness. Light polarization and color content are found to change as a function of mental protocols. The dynamic signatures of the natural resonance frequencies of flowers are found to change as a function of mental protocols, along with minute temperature changes around the flower's near vicinity. Large coil sensors indicate substantial changes in frequency spectrum energy densities around the flame and flower test bench area. Quasi-static electrodynamic energy fields in the laboratory environment are found to change as a function of the targeting mental protocols. Comparison of changes are made relative to Initial Calibrations that are taken before the mental protocols begin. Deep rooted ontological questions are examined between the response signatures that evolve from a continued stream of randomly evoked mental protocols and between those evolving from a stream of repetitive, clock-synchronized evoked protocols. These dozens of physically measured phenomena directly correlate with the directed thought energies sent by the mental protocols. Something quite profound is happening!
These findings are unveiled through dozens of simultaneous physical measurements on protocol targets and on the laboratory environment, where large telltale signals have evolved. This paper presents a detailed overview of these findings through a wide cross section of frequency spectrums of simultaneous physical measurements. There are many graphs here, but they are easy to read and the exposition of the findings is in the details. Building upon these rather amazing discoveries will undoubtedly change life and the world from that which is presently known. It will be helpful in reading this Part 3 paper to first read the Part 2 paper entitled, "Mind-Matter Entanglement via Telepathic Body Jerks". The folks who so graciously participated as "mental senders" in this experiment are from Hawaii, Belgium, and Holland. They were "live" seminar participants of channeler, Steve Rother, who led each group with short mental protocols while laboratory target events were recorded in Providence, Rhode Island. Follow up on this project will continue through Steve Rother's channeling website, www.lightworker.com.
Flame Light Energy Movements The open flame of a small oil lamp is monitored by several electro-optical sensors, at different geometric orientations, to measure movements of the centroid of energy of the emitted light. The flame is about the same intensity as an ordinary candle and it is double shielded from environmental air drafts, first with an oil lamp shade, a circular clear glass sleeve surrounding the flame, and then with a tall acrylic cylinder surrounding the entire lamp assembly. The white light coming from the flame is further monitored by several sensor packages for changes in temperature, color, and electromagnetic polarization.
Figure 1 - Flame Movements
Graphs 1A, 1B, 1C, and 1D From a Providence Sender, a single Test Subject is sitting extremely quiet in the laboratory's Human Test Station, facing the flame that is located some 10-feet away in an East-West direction. The Test Subject Sends Turbulence to the flame and then Quietness. The same type of mental protocols and computer data formats are again performed here, with 128-second data files, as discussed in considerable detail in Part 1 and Part 2 of the Mind-Matter Entanglement papers,. Graph 1A for sensor q33, an Up-Down Flame Light Energy Movement sensor, shows the Fourier spectrum analysis of the Send Turbulence mental protocol in red along with the Initial Calibration in blue. Graph 1B for sensor q33 shows the spectrum analysis of Send Quietness in red along with the same Initial Calibration in blue. The graphs run from 512 = 4 Hz to 1792 = 14 Hz, the frequency region of greatest change for this protocol. The Send Turbulence of graph 1A indicates Up-Down light energy movements that are some order of magnitude (10X) greater than the Initial Calibrate trace, while the Quietness trace of graph 1 B shows Up-Down light energy movements that are more or less back at the same levels as the Initial Calibrate trace. A small amount of residual persistence is still seen subsiding between 1024 = 8 Hz and 1664 = 13 Hz.
Similarly, sensor q34 of graphs 1C and 1D is also measuring light energy movements, but this time in the Left-Right direction, which here corresponds to the North-South direction. The Turbulence is again large in amplitude but seems more confined to the 896 = 6 Hz to 1536 = 12 Hz region and is found completely settled down in the Quietness protocol that followed a couple minutes later. Note that even with extreme care in shielding away air currents, breathing quietly, and by not moving while remaining far away, even so, tiny drafts still occasionally get through to the flame, or more likely, occasional temperature gradients across the flame itself gives rise to its own internal creation of drafts. These environmental created drafts are rather easily separated out, however, as they generally have very large and low frequency components, flickers if you will, which are usually less than 1 Hz. Figure 2 - Flame Movements
Graphs 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, and 2F From a Belgium group of Senders, graphs 2A and 2B also indicate some very healthy signal differences between the Turbulence and Quietness mental protocols of intentionally trying to agitate the flame. Here the major response occurred between 128 = 1 Hz and 640 = 5 Hz, a bit lower in frequency spread from those shown in Figure 1. The q35 sensor here is identical to the q33 sensor shown in Figure 1, measuring the Up-Down light energy movement, but it is viewing the flame in the East-West direction instead of the North-South direction.
From a Holland group of Senders, graphs 2C and 2D indicate a major response differential between the Turbulence and Quietness protocols, coming from q33 that looks at the flame's Up-Down centroid of energy light movements. A higher and much wider frequency spread is seen between 1024 = 8 Hz and 2560 = 20 Hz, where the overall response is much flatter in the regions above the 8 Hz. The change in energy is remarkable and easy to see by eye. The statistical means of the overall frequency spectrum and of the partial spectrum frequency sorting bins bear out such findings.
From a Providence Sender, q40 of graphs 2E and 2F measure the flame movements via a 2 mm diameter laser that cuts across the bottom portion of the flame plume. Instantaneous changes of the air's index of refraction in this lower plume region are caused by fast acting heat gradients on the nearby gas molecular motion. The resulting non-linear air density gradients then cause the laser beam to change direction ever so slightly. Such minuscule directional changes are further amplified by looking at the laser beam a few feet distant away from the flame. The sensors looking at the laser beam have dimensional resolutions that approach 1-millionth of an inch (.025 micron). There are substantial signal to noise ratios over the region of 768 = 6 Hz to 2048 = 16 Hz, and especially around the 1280 = 10 Hz to 1536 = 12 Hz region. Figure 3 - Flame Color and Polarization
Graphs 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 3E, and 3F From a Providence Sender, q41of graphs 3A and 3B are measuring the changing blue/red color ratio of light coming from the flame, in Turbulence and Quietness protocols, respectively. The changes are most noticeable in the middle regions of the frequency spectrum, from 128 = 1 Hz to 384 = 3 Hz. Two color measuring systems are here appropriately wired to run together in parallel: a red, green, blue interference filter tri-color splitting system, and an 8-discreet interference filter sensor package that splits an extended visible region up into 8-segments. Infinitesimal color changes might be due to some sort of nonlinear change in geomagnetic field affectations on the specific location and orientation of the various molecular constituents of the lamp oil. Whatever the reason, color changes often correlate with mental protocols.
From a Providence Sender, q42 of graphs 3C and 3D is measuring the change of the twisting polarization of the overall white light that is coming from the flame, particularly over the frequency spectrum range of approximately 32 = 0.25 Hz to 512 = 4 Hz, as the mental protocols change from Turbulence to Quietness. The measurements are made by taking a ratio of the outputs of two orthogonally polarized sensor heads that collect the flame's light energy. The changes are certainly significant.
From a Holland group of Senders, q42 of graphs 3E and 3F are again measuring the same twisting white light polarization discussed immediately above, as a function of Turbulence to Quietness protocols. A somewhat more robust signal to noise ratio is seen in the low frequency region extending downward to approximately 16 = 0.125 Hz. The Initial Calibration of graph 3F (blue trace) would seem to have been in a slightly excited state, for the mid-region of the Quietness protocol (red trace) indicates considerably less change in polarization. It would seem proper to expect some change in polarization, as the microscopic emitting surface sheaths are rapidly changing their spatial orientation angle as the plume gyrates.
Figure 4 - Peace Lily and White Tulip
Figure 4A, 4B, 4C, and4D A freshly cut long stemmed Peace Lily was mounted firmly in a water containing fixture vase, and a tiny mirror weighing just a few grams was attached to top section of the flower stem. A fixed laser beam reflected from the surface of this mirror to a position sensitive sensor, having a resolution up to a few millionths of an inch. The physical orientations were such that the detector would respond to both a wobbling of the flower on its stem and to the rotational turning of the flower, as the Peace Lily can turn its head toward the light as well as bend on its stem.
From a Holland group of Senders, q15 of graph 4A, Turbulence protocol indicates a substantial activity around 960 = 7.5 Hz. This is probably the natural rotational resonance frequency of this Peace Lily, as the stem wobbling resonance frequencies are usually much lower. From extensive previous work with mental protocols on flowers, it is known that mental protocols can activate natural resonance frequencies to higher amplitudes. The resonances of flowers are usually quite complex with many harmonics, for instance, we see here in 4A the possible harmonics at 896 = 7 Hz and at approximately 940 = 7.34 Hz, which might be a beat (difference) frequency with the longitudinal stem vibrations and their harmonics. Graph 4B adds weight to this argument, as the flower has settled down considerably around the 7Hz area in the Quietness protocol, indeed, even lower than the Initial Calibration level. This sort of flower motion behavior has been confirmed earlier. Indeed, upon going into the TM (Transcendental Meditation) state of transcendence while concentrating on a flower, the flower's overall "metabolic rate", automatically drops just like one's body metabolic rate automatically drops. There is a strong state of being transference when the mental protocol reflects a sympathetic loving relationship. The flower's "metabolic rate" is here understood to mean the magnitudes of both frequency and amplitude of its random Brownian motion type behavior. Fascinating. For more details, see my paper, "The Mental Moving of Flowers - A Non-Local Mind Fluctuation Sensor", The Noetic Journal, Vol 2 No 2, or contact me for an electronic copy. From a Belgium group of Senders, q5 of graph 4C indicates that a white tulip is in a state of greater agitation in the Send Turbulence mental protocol. The q5 sensor is located close to the flower. Still under development, it detects some combination of miniscule temperature changes and infinitesimal pressure pulsations. The increased activity is seen between 256 = 2 Hz and 1408 = 11 Hz. The flower responds to mental protocols, but it is much more difficult to deal with than the flame, perhaps because of its large mass as compared to a flame. Similar to humans, flowers do not respond nicely to stern cold direct orders. However, sympathetic feelings and loving adoration of the flower, especially as concerns variations about its own natural resonances and random motions, generally produces observable results as seen in Figure 4.
Figure 5 - Geomagnetic Field Strength
Graphs 5A and 5B From a Providence Sender, q60 of graph 5A shows the East-West geomagnetic field frequency spectrum on the flame and flower test bench during a Turbulence mental protocol of May 7, 2004.
From a Hawaii group of Senders, this same q60 of graph 5B shows the same East-West geomagnetic field frequency spectrum on the same flame and flower test bench, during its Turbulence mental protocol, some month earlier on April 5, 2004. What is seen here from Hawaii, the first beginning of these several experiments, is what has been primarily noted in the last Web of Love experiment (of the Part 1 paper), namely the overwhelming affectations of mental protocols on the local geomagnetic fields. Here we also spot a few new things: the bandwidth of the 1032 = 8.06 Hz false aliased resonance of 5A is much larger than that of 5B; the pip seen in 5B around 1166 = 9.11 Hz is missing altogether in 5A; and the pip at 1568 = 12.25 Hz of 5A is missing altogether in 5B. There are plenty of interesting things to ferret out in the future, the what and why explanations. It is enough, now, to find a few good repeatable signals.
Figure 6 - Electrodynamic Field Ring
From a Holland group of Senders, q20 of graph 6A shows the usual Turbulence protocol in red along with the Initial Calibration in blue, as before. However, note that the excited Turbulence in red has less magnitude than the blue Calibration, just the reverse of what we have been accustomed to seeing. These fluctuating electrostatic field sensors are reporting changes in field potential, volts, a scalar quantity. In this case the fluctuating electrostatic sensors are reporting less voltage in the excited Turbulence protocol. Now, and for the first time ever, the red trace of graph 6B is the same identical red trace as graph 6A, the Turbulence protocol of q20, and now, also for the first time, the blue trace represents a final Quietness #6 protocol, generated after an additional two synchronous repetition type of Turbulence protocols have been performed. The point here is to notice and verify that the blue Initial Calibration trace (#1 file) of 6A and the blue Final Quietness trace (#6-file) of 6B are practically identical. The two field potentials are quite similar. The field potential changes of the ordinary Turbulence (#2-file) protocol of graph 6A returns to a similar earlier position with Quietness (#6-file) of 6B. Notice that these changes surround the dominate 8.06 Hz resonance, which is now spread-out and of considerably wider bandwidth. Graphs 6C and 6D, show the two other types of synchronous repetition Turbulence protocols mentioned above. Graph 6C indicates the Send 0.8 Hz Sync Move to Left mental protocol while 6D indicates the Send 0.8 Hz Sync Move to Right mental protocol. The Holland group doing such a protocol is softly hearing a ticking sound in the background, as might be heard by a metronome or a grandfather clock. The clicking occurs at precisely 0.8 Hz, as controlled by a quartz oscillator. In step with the clicking sounds, Senders perform the stated mental protocol, which is to mentally move, push or pull the flame and flower (here a Peace-Lily) to the Right or to the Left. The idea of doing such a Sync protocol is to be able to pull miniscule signals out of huge amounts of noise, a measurement routine founded around well developed mathematical and instrumentation procedures that synchronously repeat the signal activation phenomena, over and over again. This allows for desired synchronous signals to grow larger while the asynchronous random noise is simultaneously diminished, all as a function of the number of trials performed. The red Send Sync Move signal traces of graphs of 6C and 6D both indicate a change of field potential, in fact, substantially larger than that of graph 6B showing the regular random Send Turbulence protocol. This is again significant, but the critically important point being made here is that there is no pip at 0.8 Hz, which would show up at data point (0.8) x (128) = 102.4, that is, at 102 or 103, just to the left of the 128 = 1 Hz marking shown on the graphs. There is simply NO pip, quite similarly as pointed out in two analogous Sync 0.8 Hz mental protocols shown in Figures 11 and 12 of the Part 2 paper. This is most astonishing and unexpected, nor has any such pip ever been found so far on Sync 0.8 Hz frequency spectrums.
Linear Earth Time versus Compacted Now Time Continuing the discussions started in Part 1 and Part 2 of this paper, the channeled Kryon is ever quick to point out that our Linear time frames experienced on Earth are altogether different than the ever present compacted Now time frames enjoyed in another dimension on the other side of the veil. Synchronicities, apparently play important roles in nature's creation of mind-matter interrelationships. Electromagnetic fields and gravity are said to be interdimensional relative to the other side of the veil, while our thoughts are human attributes that unfold sequentially in Linear time. Though still mysterious, this transformation from interdimensional Now time to laboratory Linear time requires various delay periods to accommodate a simultaneous synchrony of unfathomably large numbers of events in Linear time, which are not required in compacted Now time. From the view of Now time, sequential events in Linear time are a fabrication for causal expressions in Linear time and are not a fundamental reality of Now time. Even a controlled sequence of Sync 0.8 Hz events apparently has no meaning or expression in NOW time. Instead, meaning lies with conscious Intention, something that Kryon often reiterates. The repetition feature in Linear time is translated and transformed into Intensity of Intention across the veil in Now time. Passing from one side of the veil to the other side is done via the already interdimensional electromagnetic field, that energy and communication vehicle whose transformation qualities are equally valid on both sides of the veil. Theory and Speculation Quantum mechanics must necessarily be mixed up with features needed to interdimensionally move back and forth across the veil. The mind couples to the electric and geomagnetic fields circling the Earth and then the fields couple back to targeted objects. We surely need to perform experiments to find quantum mechanical relationships and coupling coefficients between geoelectromagnetic fields and human cellular structures. What is it of the mind which couples and decouples to these fields? What is it of the body which couples and decouples from these fields? In the same breath, speculation must be broadened to include the need for increased awareness of higher consciousness, which some relate as being a part of God, some sort of a deep universal flowing of love. What? These are expressions out of our religions! Yes, it would seem that metaphysics and physics are destined to meet on a common ground. This would seem necessary, otherwise, we remain in the relative field of ignorance, with no ready solutions in sight. Perhaps the modern scientist is still rebelling against all of those who caused Galileo, et al, so much turmoil and suffering. Religious expressions have truth also, though highly thwarted by endless numbers of intervening power structures of learned ones who falsely espouse a separateness of our selves from the higher forces of nature. The subtlest levels of intuition know better. Personal experience of the other side of the veil is not only possible but is well known by many folks. Unfortunately, mind and matter are kept separate to support a steadfast view of duality. The two need be allowed to intertwine. It is astonishing that such huge signals as cited herein have not earlier been reported upon. The reason for no such reports is again, out of sight, out of mind. It is expeditiously pragmatic to sweep annoying anomalies under the rug. Academics are still being ostracized or fired and reputations can be instantly ruined by delving into such things. However, things are slowly starting to change now, especially as physics is determined to find that "theory of everything". It is said that the great mathematician and physicist, Sir Roger Penrose, recently mentioned parapsychology in a positive way at a prestigious physics and consciousness seminar, but then very quickly added that the only reason he could get away with talking about such things is that he had tenure (Oxford University) and that he had been knighted by the Queen. To sum up, a vastly new and more complete scientific "theory of everything" must include the human in the mix, along with the subtle esoteric fabric underlying the religions, because, in large part, that is what is being measured in these graphs. Physics is, in fact, beginning to meet metaphysics.
Again, I wish to thank the many folks, worldwide, who have contributed so magnificently to this work, and I particularly wish to thank Steve Rother, who accelerated my research schedule with his enthusiasm. I open my laboratory to any scientist and/or research group wishing to further research this topic in good faith. It is my sincere intention to become integrally involved with other folks of like mind in this most extraordinary worldwide research effort. I invite all parties, who in good faith wish to contribute to this noble effort, to join me in a new discussion group for precisely this purpose, Mind-Matter Entanglement Laboratory. The Files section of this group also contains several papers that are pertinent to this topic. See: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MindMatterEntanglementLab. Thank you. Edmond Chouinard
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