Physiological Correlates of Remote Perception / Neurophysiological Studies
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Methodological Considerations in RV Experiments
McMoneagle J (2003) Landscaping the Mind: Space-Time Grids, Information Coding and Meaning Retrieval in Remote Viewing. Journal of Nonlocality and Remote Mental Interactions II [2] July 2003 www.emergentmind.org/mcmoneagle1.htm
Psychological Training
Swann, I. (1996a) Remote viewing versus telepathic overlay. URL: http://www.biomindsuperpowers.com/Pages/RVVSTelepathincOverlay.html Swann, I. (1996b) Mental Information Processing Grids and Meaning Swann, I. (1996c) Sensory Transducers. Swann, I. (1997) Toward Activating the Superpowers of the Human Swann, I (1999) Awareness and Perception vs. Status of Individual
Descriptive studies and related papers
Warcollier, R. (2001) Mind to Mind. Russell Targ Editions, Hampton Roads Publishing, Charlottesville, VA 2001
OTHER EXPERIMENTS OF INTEREST 1. Induction of a Stereotactic Auditory Hallucination by an Extremely Low Frequency
(ELF) Electromagnetic Field
Austin, James (2000) Zen and the Brain. MIT Press. Cambridge, MA (2000) Buchanan, Lyn The Seventh Sense. Paraview Pocket Books, New York, NY 2003 McMoneagle, Joseph Mind Trek: Exploring Consciousness, Time and Space through RemoteViewing Hampton Roads Publishing, 1993 Charlottesville, VA McMoneagle, Joseph Remote Viewing Secrets: a Handbook Hampton doads Publishing, 2000 Charlottesville, VA McMoneagle, Joseph (2002) The Stargate chronicles: memoirs of a psychic spy. Hampton Roads Publishing, Charlottesville, VA 2002 Radin, Dean. Ph. D The Conscious Universe HarperCollins 1997, New York, NY Murphy M. and Donovan S.(2002) The
physical and physiological effects of meditation. IONS Press. Montague Ullman, M.D. and Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., with Alan Vaughan. Dream telepathy: experiments in nocturnal ESP. Penguin Books 1974. Baltimore, Maryland Varela Francisco. J. ed. Sleeping, dreaming and dying: an exploration of consciousness with the Dalai Lama. Mind and Life Institute, Wisdom Publications 1997, Boston, Massachusetts Warcollier, R. (2001) Mind to Mind. Russell Targ Editions, Hampton Roads Publishing, Charlottesville, VA 2001 CRV ( Controlled Remote Viewing) Manual; originally dated 1986; posted publicly 1998. Attributed to Paul H. Smith/Ingo Swann. URL: http://www.firedocs.com/remoteviewing/answers/crvmanual/
Hawaii Remote Viewing Guild http://www.hrvg.org International Remote Viewing Association: http://www.irva.org Boundary Institute: http://www.boundaryinstitute.org Parapsychological Association http://www.parapsych.org Journal of the International Society of Life Information Science http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/islis/en/journalE.htm Consciousness Research Laboratory http://www.psiresearch.org Laboratories for Fundamental Research http://www.lfr.org James Spottiswoode and Associates Library www.jsasoc.com/library.html Firedocs http://www.firedocs.com/remoteviewing/ Ten Thousand Roads http://www.tenthousandroads.com/wbbs/WBB.cgi Joseph McMoneagle http://www.mceagle.com/remote-viewing Lyn Buchanan http://www.crviewer.com/ University of Utrecht Parapsychology Laboratory The RetroPsychoKinesis Project http://www.fourmilab.ch/rpkp/proposal.html Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab http://www.princeton.edu/~pear/ The Global Consciousness Project http://noosphere.princeton.edu Institut Metapsychique International http://www.imi-paris.org/mission.php3 Esalen Center for Theory and Research www.esalenctr.org/ |
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