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From: Peter Marcer - BCSCMsG
Date: 2/9/2001
Time: 8:31:27 AM
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From: "petermarcer" <petermarcer@aikido.freeserve.co.uk>
As a founder, and current chair of the British Computer Society Cybernetic Machine specialist Group I very much agree with and share your objectives. The Group (where the guiding principle is that the brain is the role model for the computer and not vice verse) has been a UK/European forum into the physical foundations of information and information processing, since its inaugural lecture in 1986 on the Quantum Theory of Computation by David Deutsch, the UK's second Alan Turing. Full details, of the Group's current programme, research interests, successes like the European Pathfinder Project and the Liege International Symposium into some aspect of the Physical Frontiers of Quantum Information Processing, held annually now at the International Conference of Computing Anticipatory Systems (CASYS) organised by Daniel Dubois of CHAOS, in cooperation with the University of Liege, Belgium (papers published as an American Institute of Physics (AIP) proceedings or in the International Journal of Computing Antipatory Systerms (IJCAS)), are to be found at http://www.bcs.org.uk/cybergroup.htm
It has, however, as you might infer, always been very much the "odd man out" Group in a Society largely dedicated to the mathematical foundations of computation, algorithmic theory, computational practice,etc And is even more so now that our principal interests feature quantum holography and not the qubit computation, which is a natural extension from these mathematical foundations, even though quantum holography already has well developed experimental foundations and even production devices such as medical magnetic resonance imaging systems in worldwide use. In fact, we believe, that if quantum physicists had been taught nuclear rather atomic spectroscopy, that quantum physics would have received world wide recognition long ago as a canonical methodology for solving pattern recognition problems and not some enigma, which can only be understood by taking one of a whole series of philosphical positions known as "interpretations" which, unlike the formalism itself, lead to paradox and endless debate. This is because in nuclear spectroscopy the means of optimally controlling quantum mechanical processes has long been known (ie since the 1950s and Nobel Prizes have been awarded!), such that the Heisenberg commutation relations are not only a "foundational" quantum principle, but also in such controls become the means by which to compute and in particular to perform pattern recognition. This also follows from the fact discovered in the 1980s, that in addition to the class of quantum observables that are the eigenvalues of some quantum mechanical operator usually the Hamiltionian, there is a second class which are the gauge invariant phases of the quantum mechanical state vector, which are known under the name of the Berry or Geometric phase.
The most significant finding, so far, in my estimation in relation to quantum holography, is based on experiments carried out by the Peter Gariaev group at the Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Science ( presented at CASYS 2000 and to be published the IJCAS proceedings). It identifies DNA as a wave biocomputer**, which in addition to using the context dependent genetic texts known as the genetic code, as a means of its own duplication and of RNA message transference, also incremental encodes, the incrementally decodable holographic 3 dimensional spatial information necessary to construct the embryo of its organism! This not only changes the currently established understanding of how the genome works, but says that the origin of life is essentially intrinsic to the laws of physics which govern the universe in which we live. It explains not only how in relation to beings as complex as ourselves, reproduction takes place but how it is achieved so rapidily and so successfully. Moreover, Darwinism is not contradicted, because in quantum holography, entropy is not only a measure of disorder and chance mutation, but also an information metric leading to complementary Lamarckian-like processes of exponential morphogenic change in the context of rapid environmental change. ** see attached file for extended abstract issued to all CASYS 2000 delgates as part of the abstract volume prior to the conference.
Best Wishes and Regards, Peter. petermarcer@aikido.freeserve.co.uk cybergroup@bcs.org.uk