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From: L. Sidorov
Date: 5/14/2001
Time: 11:12:19 AM
Remote Name:
Although we do not normally include Archived papers in this section, the following two articles represent a beautiful and very stimulating synthesis of the current understanding with respect to human-environmental energy field interactions, bio-information, signal transduction and amplification models, and holographic-type (interference grid) energetic encoding of biological structure and function.
Arch320 1. Biosystems Liquid Crystals and Potential Effects of Natural and Artificial Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)
James B. Beal, EMF Interface Consulting
Keywords: EMF flux, quantum-level sensitivity, ELF planetary resonator hypothesis, wave interaction, biological structure, information field, LC protein as transceiver mechanism, human-machine interactions, healing, pattern formation in non-equilibrium systems, cell membranes, energy pattern information storage, biomagnetite, EMF amplification, cell membrane as superconductor and leaky dielectric, origin of life, 10Hz feedback component, ionosphere, geomagnetic field, fidelity of transmission/reception between genetically related forms, protein transceiver system as physiologic regulator, environmental waveform interference pattern, Fourier transform, re-radiation of coherent waveforms, energy patterns as structural blueprints, EM bioinformation transfer, embryonic development, immune response, energy patterns imprinting target tissues, diminishing results with exposure, solitons, hyperallergenic syndrome, signal amplification, feedback arrangement, dilution factor, homeopathic energy imprinting in water, ELF physiological effects, acupuncture, directed intentionality
Arch321 2. What is Healing Energy? James L. Oschman, PhD Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, April 1997
URL: http://www.harcourt-international.com/journals/suppfile/flat/JBMT-Oschman.pdf
Keywords: dynamics of healing, rhythmic processes, oscillating magnetic fields, therapeutic touch, jump start healing, scanning frequency range, cascade, open channels, information flow, coordinated repair process, entrainment, geomagnetic oscillations, magnetoreceptors, microgenesis, ELF, pulsing magnetic fields, frequency window of specificity, biomagnetic emanations, coherent Frohlich oscillations, infrared radiation, Qigong, microwaves, stalled healing, acupuncture, ELF acoustic signal, blueprint, natural regulatory signals, perineural connective tissue as a direct communication system, current of injury as semiconductor current, Hall effect, brainwave propagation through circulatory system, mutual phase-locking of oscillators, thalamic rhythm generator, silent phase susceptibility to external field entrainment, Schumann resonance, meditation induced responsiveness to Schumann resonance, amplification of biomagnetic field, altered states of consciousness, identical EEG signature in healers, brainwave phase and frequency synchronization with Schumann resonance, between-person brain-cardiac synchronization, quantum unit of consciousness, somatic memories, fields of experience, electromagnetic signatures stored in neural networks