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Complex Iterative Shapes during Altered States of Consciousness

From: Iccari Akhkharu
Date: 8/17/2002
Time: 4:17:58 PM
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1. "Complex Iterative Shapes during Altered States of Consciousness" From: Iccari Akhkharu, Received: Nov 30, 2001 When LSD or psilocybin enters the human brain, images that have a high degree of self similarity and recurrence seem to be formed. I was wondering firstly why this happens - is it to do with the structure of the brain, or a property of the chemical on the CNS, and secondly, what this has told us about the workings of the brain. Whilst time and space are distorted, these can be explained by the areas of the brain that are affected, but how is it that complex iterative shapes such as fractals are formed in the visual perception? Is it to do with feedback? If so, does this imply that vision is a filter that uses feedback to promote perception? How is this related to attention under the affects of these compounds, where focus on aspects of the shapes produces more details based on current perceptional images. How can we choose which part to focus on? Do we know how the brain selects regions to focus on/feedback? I am aware that hallucinogens effectively overload the neurons, is this what causes the feedback?

Last changed: August 17, 2002