Binary Remote Viewing
I'm curious if the concept of
"binary remote viewing" (or anything comparable to this term) is to be
found in "Binary remote viewing" as
I'd use the term would refer to RV experiments in which exactly two
locations or [Example, just off the cuff: two adjacent rooms: * a "cold room," held at a chilly temperature; decorated entirely in "cold" colors and icy themes; pictures of snow, ice, eskimoes, polar bears on the walls; cold tub of water with chunks of ice in the middle of the room; etc * a "warm room", held at a warm temperature; decorated entirely in "warm" colors and warm or tropical themes; pictures of warm sunshiny themes; maybe a blazing fireplace. One can obviously think of other examples, but the basic objective is just two different environments, designed to be fully acceptable to participating subjects as being clearly as different and distinguishable from each other as possible.] You can see what's coming: experiment
involves starting with a long string of binary digits; in each successive Bottom-line measure of remote viewing
success is then, what is the "channel capacity" of remote
viewing? A Google search on "binary remote viewing" brought up nothing. Does this concept, or something like it, find any resonance in the remote viewing community?
Yours truly, AES |