This page contains remote viewing assignments for the Double-Target Protocol (see www.emergentmind.org/double_target_protocol.htm for details on this project). All viewers are invited to work and submit their sessions for these targets, as long as they follow the outline format described on the project page above. Target coordinates will be of the following format: DTPI-mmddyy (double target protocol, series I � date when target posted given as month, day, year). I will only assign one target per day. Please enter this coordinate as the subject line of your e-mail and the session outline summary in the body of the e-mail. For documentation purposes, please DO NOT SEND YOUR RESULTS AS AN ATTACHMENT. Mail your data to lian@emergentmind.org by the deadline ("Feedback Available" date). I will e-mail you the feedback pictures in an attachment shortly after this date. The full complement of targets will also be published as an Appendix to the final protocol report. For any questions or comments, please contact me at lian@emergentmind.org. Thanks,
Targets in red or whose posted deadline has passed are no longer active.
Target Coordinate Posted Deadline DTPI-051704 051704 060104 DTPI-051804 051804 060204 DTPI-051904 051904 060304 DTPI-052004 052004 060404 DTPI-052104 052104 060504 DTPI-052304 052304 060704 DTPI-052404 052404 060804 DTPI-052504 052504 060904 DTPI-052604 052604 061004 DTPI-052704 052704 061104 DTPI-052804 052804 061304 DTPI-052904 052904 061304 DTPI-053004 053004 061404 DTPI-053104 053104 061504 DTPI-052204 052204 061604 DTPI-061104 061104 061804 DTPI-061204 061204 061904 DTPI-061304 061304 062004 DTPI-061404 061404 062104 DTPI-061504 061504 062204 DTPI-061604 061604 062804 DTPI-062604 062604 063004 DTPI-062804 062804 070204 DTPI-062904 062904 070304 DTPI-070104 070104 070504 DTPI-070204 070204 070604 DTPI-070304 070304 070704 DTPI-061804 061804 070904 DTPI-061704 061704 071004 DTPI-070404 070404 071104 DTPI-062704 062704 071204 07/12/04: Phase I complete - break in data collection