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The sites below cover topics relevant to our own areas of enquiry. Ratings (ranging from * to *****) reflect both the degree of relevance and the quality^ of the material.


^ This rating system is designed to help our readers focus on resources most similar to our own in content and approach, and does not represent the intrinsic quality of the site. 



Journal of Theoretics

URL: http://www.journaloftheoretics.com/

Rating: *****

"The Journal of Theoretics’ mission is to advance scientific inquiry and knowledge by publishing credible peer-reviewed articles in the field of Theoretics, free of charge and accessible to all.   The subject matter may be from any area of study, and may be quite narrow in focus or so broad as to encompass all areas of scientific endeavor.  The better the theory development, the better the science will be.  By stimulating theoretical research with the appropriate use of logic and language, experimental research will be improved and once again have direction."   




The International Conference on Science and Consciousness
The International Conference on Altered States of Consciousness

Both series of conferences organized by The Message Company: see http://www.bizspirit.com


Bioelectromagnetics Society Annual Meeting  

see www.bioelectromagnetics.org


Human Potential Science International Forum

organized by ISLIS: see http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/islis/   or www.ovta.or.jp


Annual Remote Viewing Conference

organized by IRVA: see www.irva.org


ISSSEEM Annual Conference

see www.issseem.org


Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration

see www.scientificexploration.org


Workshop on Biological Effects of EMFs

see  http://imm.demokritos.gr/bioeffects/




1. Quantum-Mind 

URL:  http://listserv.arizona.edu/lsv/www/quantum-mind.html

Rating: *****

An exceptional quality discussion forum on quantum models of consciousness and related topics, maintained by some of the top people in the field. 


2. "Topological geometrodynamics"

Rating: *****(***)

Light years ahead of the curve.  Most likely candidate for a unified theory of matter and consciousness.


URL: http://blues.helsinki.fi/~matpitka/

"TGD is an attempt to unify fundamental interactions by assuming that physical spacetimes can be regarded as submanifolds of certain 8-dimensional space, which is product of Minkowski space future light cone and 4-dimensional complex projective space CP_2. 

[...] TGD implies a radical generalization of the concept of spacetime. This has consequences in all branches of physics, in particular in biology. TGD predicts a lot of New Physics, and the most interesting new physics is related to how biosystems manage to be macroscopic quantum systems. The notion of ionic flow equilibrium in manysheeted spacetime provides a rather concrete view about biocontrol and coordination and explains several strange findings of cellular biology and neurophysiology.

[...] With the realization that TGD reduces to a generalized number theory, it became clear that spacetime decomposes into real and p-adic regions. The only possible interpretation for p-adic regions is as cognitive representations of real regions: the non-determinism of p-adic differential equations corresponds to the non-determinism of imagination. p-Adic regions of spacetime are the mind stuff of Descartes! 

Quantum TGD leads naturally TGD inspired theory of consciousness, which has been developing vigorously during the last years and the recent formulation of quantum TGD proper relies heavily on the basic principles of TGD inspired theory of consciousness. For instance, standard quantum measurement theory is a prediction of TGD and relates very closely with consciousness. In a similar manner, the generalization of quantum hologram principle is equally crucial for quantum TGD as it is for TGD inspired theory of consciousness. Furthermore, the states of supercanonical representations are genuine quantum gravitational states (state functionals in the 'world of worlds'). Hence they correspond to higher level of abstraction than ordinary quantum states and are natural correlates of brain consciousness. So called massless extremals (MEs) carrying these supercanonical representations seem to be for consciousness what hydrogen atom is for atomic physics."


3. Psyche 

URL: http://psyche.cs.monash.edu.au/

Rating: ****

"a refereed electronic journal dedicated to supporting the interdisciplinary exploration of the nature of consciousness and its relation to the brain. PSYCHE publishes material relevant to that exploration from the perspectives afforded by the disciplines of cognitive science, philosophy, psychology, physics, neuroscience, and artificial intelligence. Interdisciplinary discussions are particularly encouraged."


4.  CogPrints

URL: http://cogprints.soton.ac.uk/

Rating: ****

"an electronic archive for papers in any area of  Psychology, Neuroscience, and Linguistics, and many areas of Computer Science (e.g., artificial intelligence, robotics, vison, learning, speech, neural networks), Philosophy (e.g., mind, language, knowledge, science, logic), Biology (e.g., ethology, behavioral ecology, sociobiology, behaviour genetics, evolutionary theory), Medicine (e.g., Psychiatry, Neurology, human genetics, Imaging), Anthropology (e.g., primatology, cognitive ethnology, archeology, paleontology), as well as any other portions of the physical, social and mathematical sciences that are pertinent to the study of cognition"


5. Ronald Blue's Homepage

Rating: *****

URL: http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/LaGrangeLn/ronaldblue/

Excellent, highly technical papers on AI and aspects of the holographic model of consciousness. Highly recommended resource for active researchers.


6. Walter J. Freeman Neurophysiology Lab Archives

URL: http://sulcus.berkeley.edu/

Rating: ****

Papers on non-linear dynamics in the brain; some articles are available in e-format.


7. Journal of Consciousness Studies: Controversies in the Sciences and Humanities


URL: http://www.imprint.co.uk/


8. Alwyn Scott Homepage



Containing references to his work on neural systems and the nature of  mind.


9. Neuroguide.com

Rating: ****


"A searchable and browsable index of neuroscience resources available on the Internet: neurobiology, neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry, psychology, cognitive science sites and information on human neurological diseases"


10. Mind, Language and Consciousness


A new project listing studies which explore the link between mind, consciousness and language. 


11. NeuroQuantology

URL: http://med.edge.edu.tr/~tarlaci/subscript.htm

A new interdisciplinary journal of Neuroscience and Quantum Physics. Free, full text available online, peer reviewed. Excellent idea ;-)   Bonus: Stuart Hameroff is on editorial board




1. MISAHA: The Monterey Institute for the Study of Alternative Healing Arts

Rating: *****

URL: http://www.whps.com/misaha/

"It is the purpose of MISAHA to scientifically validate alternative healing practices to make them more acceptable to conventional medical practitioners. We are concerned with healing individuals, but our overriding concern is to validate the process by which they are healed.

MISAHA is a scientific research center for the study of unconventional medical practices, with emphasis on psi-healing.

MISAHA is established for the advancement of sciences, and of medical science in particular

·  by obtaining unequivocal statistical data on the efficacy and healing effects of the most talented individuals from throughout the world;
·  by studying the healing process as a phenomenon by means of physics, physiology and psychology; and
·  by presenting results of these studies to the international scientific community in an objective way through publication in scientific periodicals."


2. ISSSEEM: International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine

Rating: *****

URL: http://www.issseem.org

  " ISSSEEM was organized for the purpose of improving human health and welfare through the advancement of education, practice, training, and research in the emerging field of subtle energies and energy medicine by (a) increasing the knowledge of the membership about the fields of subtle energies and energy medicine via meetings, educational programs, publications, and special interest groups; (b) improving applications of subtle energies and energy medicine through high standards of professional practice, peer review, ethics, and education; (c) promoting Independent Exploration Groups; and (d) disseminating information to the public about subtle energies and energy medicine." (from ISSSEEM intro page)

Excellent research articles - unfortunately abstracts only are available.


3. Wholistic Healing Research

URL: www.WholisticHealingResearch.com

Rating: *****

An outstanding resource including healing research methodology and reviews, meta-analyses, innovative interventions, research directions and a host of additional links/projects. As the author of a 4-volume encyclopedia on healing research, Dr. Benor also provides consultations on designing appropriate studies and avoiding the methodological pitfalls that flaw the vast majority of currently published experiments.


4. Institute of Noetic Sciences

URL:  http://www.noetic.org

Rating: ****

"International organization for people interested in science, society and consciousness, based in the USA". Research programs cover emerging worldviews and a multitude of approaches to alternative medicine, healing and states of consciousness.


5.  New Vistas

URL: http://www.homestead.com/newvistas

Rating: *****

"New Vistas is the collaborative effort of researchers M. Sue Benford and Joseph G. Marino.  M. Sue Benford, a registered nurse, health care researcher, and president of both a biotech and health information company, has contributed to the understanding of human energy fields and how they may relate to promotion of health and enlightenment of the spirit.  She has a B.S.N. (Nursing) from the University of Tennessee and a M.A. in Health Education from The Ohio State University. Benford's research recently received a grant from the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) to support her work in the identification of the subtle energies responsible for the alternative healing effects."  (from New Vistas homepage)


6. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine

URL: http://www.alternative-therapies.com

Rating: *****

An excellent source for serious studies and discussion on all aspects of alternative medicine!

"Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine is a forum for sharing information concerning the practical use of alternative therapies in preventing and treating disease, healing illness, and promoting health. [It] is a peer-reviewed healthcare journal that has been indexed in the National Library of Medicine since 1996."


7. International Institute of Biophysics

URL: http://www.datadiwan.de/iib/ib_000e_.htm

Rating: *****

"There are worldwide about 40 scientific groups working on biophotons. The biggest association is the International Institute of Biophysics (IIB) e.V. in Neuss (Germany), founded for an interdisciplinary approach of the understanding and the investigation of living systems. 14 Institutes (Governmental Research Institutes and Universities) are connected in common research on Coherence in Biology/Biocommunications/Biophotonics

IIB mission: 

  • to explore the reasons of the morphological and functional stability of the living systems
  • to investigate the role of the electromagnetic fields in the functioning of the living systems
  • to expand IIB knowledge of the intercellular communication
  • to apply IIB special capabilities to technical and scientific problems of practical interest"

(from IIB homepage)


8. East West Academy of Healing Arts/Qigong Institute 

URL: http://www.eastwestqi.com/html/home.html

URL: http://www.healthy.net/qigonginstitute/

Rating: ****

"In July 2000, Dr. Chow was appointed by President Clinton to the 15 member White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy. [...] Dr. Effie Pow Yew Chow has for over thirty years been working to integrate Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with Western Medicine. Toward this goal she founded the East  West Academy of Healing Arts  in 1973, in San Francisco. In 1988, an arm of that organization, The Qigong Institute, was established within EWAHA to promote research and clinical work in medical Qigong." (from EWAHA - see Dr. Chow's homepage for full credentials and history on government advisory panels)


9. HealthWorld Online

URL: http://www.healthy.net

Rating: ***

An excellent resource for patients and great introduction to the scientific fundamentals behind practically every method of alternative healing available out there.  

"HealthWorld Online is your 24-hour health resource center--a virtual health village where you can access information, products, and services to help create your wellness-based lifestyle.

As you navigate through our Internet health network, you will meet many of the leaders in natural health, wellness, self-care and alternative medicine. These experts have dedicated their lives to educating consumers and professionals in the health care of the future--Integrative Medicine--blending the best of conventional and alternative/complementary medicine." (from Welcoming page)


10.  Scientific and Medical Network

Rating: ****

URL:  http://www.cis.plym.ac.uk/SciMedNet/111.htm

International organization for scientists, physicians and other professionals interested in science and consciousness, based in the UK". Publications, multiple discussion groups, etc.  Membership required.


11. Journal of the International Society of Life Information Science (ISLIS) 

Rating: *****(**)

URL: http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/islis/en/journalE.htm

Probably the only organization out there addressing research in the areas of alternative medicine and parapsychology with the right combination of a broad theoretical basis and financial/political backing. As a result, they have been producing critical experimental results for almost a decade and continue to ask "the right questions". A superb model of what Psi/CAM research should be - and a poignant reminder of how far behind the rest of the world is lagging.  


12. The Hanlin Academy

URL: http://www.hanlin.hit.bg

"Hanlin is engaged in educational, research, publishing and publicity activities by organizing lectures, seminars, conferences, courses and schools and publishing works for physical health and spiritual development. Its underlying method is the combination of theory and practice: an integrative, holistic approach to problems from the point of view of philosophy, psychology, natural sciences, ethics, aesthetics, medicine, culture, art, qigong, martial arts and others."


13. "The Physical and Psychological Effects of Meditation" by Michael Murphy and Steven Donovan

URL:  http://www.noetic.org/ions/medbiblio/ch_intro1.htm

Rating: *****

Contains hundreds of (mostly Western) studies on the physiological and behavioral effects of meditation; available as free online or hard copy. online version has searchable database. Excellent resource.  


14. Ontario Reiki Programme Centre

"The purpose of the Ontario Reiki Programme Centre is to create and support Reiki programmes in treatment centres such as hospices, clinics, and hospitals. We are primarily geared to caregiver training, both for professional and partner caregivers. We also participate in clinical studies in conjunction with health researchers on Reiki effectiveness and healing mechanisms."

Rating: *****

A serious, comprehensive resource on the latest scientific research and applications of bioenergy medicine.   

www.onreiki.com  or





1. Consciousness Research Laboratory

URL: http://www.psiresearch.org

Rating: *****

Provides information about ongoing research, articles, online experiments as well as an extensive list of good links.


2. The RetroPsychoKinesis Project

URL:  http://www.fourmilab.ch/rpkp/proposal.html

Rating:    *****

Retrocausality papers, major experiments, online projects, models, links, etc


3. Society for Scientific Exploration

URL: http://www.scientificexploration.org

Rating: *****

"The primary goal of the international Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE) is to provide a professional forum for presentations, criticism, and debate concerning topics which are for various reasons ignored or studied inadequately within mainstream science. A secondary goal is to promote improved understanding of those factors that unnecessarily limit the scope of scientific inquiry, such as sociological constraints, restrictive world views, hidden theoretical assumptions, and the temptation to convert prevailing theory into prevailing dogma." (from SSE homepage)


4.  Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab

URL:  http://www.princeton.edu/~pear/

Rating: *****

"The Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) program was established at Princeton University in 1979 by Robert G. Jahn, then Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science, to pursue rigorous scientific study of the interaction of human consciousness with sensitive physical devices, systems, and processes common to contemporary engineering practice. Since that time, an interdisciplinary staff of engineers, physicists, psychologists, and humanists has been conducting a comprehensive agenda of experiments and developing complementary theoretical models to enable better understanding of the role of consciousness in the establishment of physical reality." (from PEAR homepage)

5.  The Global Consciousness Project

URL: http://noosphere.princeton.edu

Rating: *****

"Research on anomalies of consciousness shows that the human mind is not isolated within the body, and that we can interact directly with each other and the world despite physical barriers and separations. The Global Consciousness Project (GPC) extends such research to global dimensions. A network of detectors around the world sends data over the internet to a server where it is correlated with events that may evoke a world-wide consciousness.  [...] The GCP began recording data in August 1998. It had grown to about 36 sites around the world, each reporting a continuous stream of second- by-second data. This site describes all aspects of the project, including the current status of experimental results, and it provides public access to the data" (from GCP homepage)


6. Boundary Institute

URL:  http://www.boundaryinstitute.org

Rating: *****

"The Boundary Institute is a nonprofit scientific research organization dedicated to the study of interactions at the boundary between mind and matter. Presently our research focuses on certain precognitive phenomena and their possible connection to modern physics." (from Boundary Institute Homepage)


7. Laboratories for Fundamental Research

URL: http://www.lfr.org

Rating: *****

For those who feel skeptical about the quality of parapsychology research, this is an outstanding resource on protocols, analysis methods, as well as papers and FAQ's contributed by the top people in the field. A "conservative", practical approach  to psi is followed, focusing on  a functional, rather than speculative understanding of the phenomena.

The LFR conducts "basic and applied research on the leading-edge of a variety of disciplines.  Our current efforts involve:

  • The Cognitive Sciences Laboratory.  CSL has been the home of the US Government-sponsored research into Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) since 1985.  
  • Current physics research, which explores the Aharonov-Bohm effect in quantum mechanics.
  • Neuroscience investigations, which use state-of-the-art analysis of Electroencephalograms (EEG's) to search for subtle effects in the central nervous system." 
    (from LFR homepage)

8.  TASTE (The Archives of Scientists' Transcendent Experiences)

URL: http://psychology.ucdavis.edu/tart/taste
URL: www.issc-taste.org

Rating: *****

"The TASTE project is an attempt to work toward rectifying [the] strange, scientistic situation where too many people are forced to deny or repress parts of their own human experience. These Archives are an online journal performing the essential scientific function of full and honest communication of data in this badly neglected area.

[...][ This is intended to] help break down the cultural/scientistic stereotype that "real" scientists don't have such experiences; [...] contribute to an archive of such experiences that can be researched, and so ultimately help our understanding, and [...] facilitate the development of a full spectrum science of consciousness by providing both data and support for the study of transcendent experiences."  (form the TASTE website)


9.. Rhine Research Center

URL:  : www.rhine.org

Rating: *****

"The main thrusts of the Institute for Parapsychology's research programs are in the areas of ESP and PK.
In ESP research, by using techniques to simulate natural states that seem to promote the occurrence of ESP, we are investigating the role of personality, psychodynamics, personal relationships, and even the content of the ESP "message", and are thus trying to untangle the web of factors that contribute to this unusual form of communication.
Contemporary PK research is revealing that human consciousness alone seems to play a role in determining the outcome of physical processes. This work brings parapsychology face to face with issues at the forefront of physics. While collaborating with other scientists in an effort to understand the basic processes involved, Institute researchers are examining how we use this "ability" and what conditions favor its successful deployment." (from the Center's Research Program) 

An excellent resource for current research, news and academic study programs from one of the world's most productive psi research labs.


10.  University of Utrecht Parapsychology Laboratory

URL: http://www.psy.uva.nl/resedu/pn/res/ANOMALOUSCOGNITION/anomal.shtml

Rating: ****

"The Anomalous Cognition (or PSI) section of the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Amsterdam is mainly centered around student research projects. Research into this controversial area is considered to sharpen the empirical and methodological capabilities of the students.The University of Amsterdam does not offer an educational program but a course in parapsychology can be attended at the Univeristy of Utrecht or on-line." (from the Lab's homepage)

Great on-line experiments, papers and links.


11 Journal of the International Society of Life Information Science (ISLIS) 

Rating: *****(**)

URL: http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/islis/en/journalE.htm

Probably the only organization out there addressing research in the areas of alternative medicine and parapsychology with the right combination of a broad theoretical basis and financial/political backing. As a result, they have been producing critical experimental results for almost a decade and continue to ask "the right questions". A superb model of what Psi/CAM research should be - and a poignant reminder of how far behind the rest of the world is lagging.  


12. Firedocs 

Rating: ***** ***** *****

URL:   http://www.firedocs.com/remoteviewing/

For anyone with a serious interest in Remote Viewing, this is by far the most outstanding resource on the Net right now. The unadulterated "canon" from the original team of viewers, including the CRV manual, position papers, historical transcripts, and most importantly - an extensive archive of Q&As concerning practical aspects of RV with guidance from the "masters".  A lesson in commitment and integrity for the rest of us ;-)


13. Institut Metapsychique International

URL: http://www.imi-paris.org/mission.php3

Rating: *****

Carries on valuable work pioneered by the likes of Rene Warcollier. Focus on telepathy experiments, processing of symbols, signal contamination, etc. Extensive library of papers going back about 80 years - copies available for purchase. In French. 



1. "The challenge of the universe"


Rating: **

online articles from "13 science superstars" explaining the current directions in fundamental physics research


2. "Topological geometrodynamics"

Rating: *****

Light years ahead of the curve! Most likely candidate for a unified theory of matter and consciousness. 


URL: http://blues.helsinki.fi/~matpitka/

"TGD is an attempt to unify fundamental interactions by assuming that physical spacetimes can be regarded as submanifolds of certain 8-dimensional space, which is product of Minkowski space future light cone and 4-dimensional complex projective space CP_2. 

[...] TGD implies a radical generalization of the concept of spacetime. This has consequences in all branches of physics, in particular in biology. TGD predicts a lot of New Physics, and the most interesting new physics is related to how biosystems manage to be macroscopic quantum systems. The notion of ionic flow equilibrium in manysheeted spacetime provides a rather concrete view about biocontrol and coordination and explains several strange findings of cellular biology and neurophysiology.

[...] With the realization that TGD reduces to a generalized number theory, it became clear that spacetime decomposes into real and p-adic regions. The only possible interpretation for p-adic regions is as cognitive representations of real regions: the non-determinism of p-adic differential equations corresponds to the non-determinism of imagination. p-Adic regions of spacetime are the mind stuff of Descartes! 

Quantum TGD leads naturally TGD inspired theory of consciousness, which has been developing vigorously during the last years and the recent formulation of quantum TGD proper relies heavily on the basic principles of TGD inspired theory of consciousness. For instance, standard quantum measurement theory is a prediction of TGD and relates very closely with consciousness. In a similar manner, the generalization of quantum hologram principle is equally crucial for quantum TGD as it is for TGD inspired theory of consciousness. Furthermore, the states of supercanonical representations are genuine quantum gravitational states (state functionals in the 'world of worlds'). Hence they correspond to higher level of abstraction than ordinary quantum states and are natural correlates of brain consciousness. So called massless extremals (MEs) carrying these supercanonical representations seem to be for consciousness what hydrogen atom is for atomic physics."



3. The Open SETI Initiative

Rating: *****

URL: www.zeitlin.net/OpenSETI/Opening.shtml

After forty years of searching, the SETI program has not succeeded in finding the kinds of signals it is searching for. SETI scientists explain that the signals they seek will be very difficult to find, if they exist at all, and that it is necessary to be steadfast and continue the search, indefinitely, almost as a permanent fixture of society. Throughout all of this time, SETI (a shorthand term I shall use for "SETI scientists") has never disavowed its original formulated models, or responded to any suggestion that it reexamine its principles.

Indeed there has been no serious challenge to SETI's ideas. There have been complaints, quickly waved off, but no one has made the effort to carefully examine the foundations of SETI and learn whether SETI is truly on sound scientific ground.

Until now. On these pages you will find that critical examination and a proposal to replace the current program with a much broader quest: Open SETI. The Open SETI Initiative challenges virtually every aspect of the SETI program - its assumptions, its methodology, and its findings.


4.  Neural Networks and Complexity Links

Rating: ***

 URL: http://physics.hallym.ac.kr/education/lecture/netadv/complexity.html


5. David Deutsch's Home Page

Rating: ****

URL: http://www.qubit.org/people/david/David.html





1. Journal of the International Society of Life Information Science (ISLIS) 

Rating: *****(**)

URL: http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/islis/en/journalE.htm

Probably the only organization out there addressing research in the areas of alternative medicine and parapsychology with the right combination of a broad theoretical basis and financial/political backing. As a result, they have been producing critical experimental results for almost a decade and continue to ask "the right questions". A superb model of what Psi/CAM research should be - and a poignant reminder of how far behind the rest of the world is lagging.  


2. Rupert Sheldrake Online

 Sheldrake's official site, containing articles, online experiments,      interviews and a moderated discussion forum. Excellent resource for all those interested in his revolutionary ideas about individual versus collective mind, morphogenesis, information fields, etc. The discussion group and experimental studies make this one of the most stimulating, actively engaging sites available on the WWW. 

Rating: *****

URL: http://www.sheldrake.org


3. Rupert Sheldrake biographical notes and excerpts from his works

Rating: **

URL: http://www.natur.cuni.cz/~vpetr/Sheldrake.htm


4. Institute of Science in Society 

Rating: *****

URL: http://www.i-sis.org

Dr. Mae-Wan Ho's organization - looks into the ethical, political and economic implications of current scientific developments; also contains great papers outlining her work on coherence in living systems, liquid crystals and consciousness.


5. The Open SETI Initiative

Rating: *****

URL: www.zeitlin.net/OpenSETI/Opening.shtml

After forty years of searching, the SETI program has not succeeded in finding the kinds of signals it is searching for. SETI scientists explain that the signals they seek will be very difficult to find, if they exist at all, and that it is necessary to be steadfast and continue the search, indefinitely, almost as a permanent fixture of society. Throughout all of this time, SETI (a shorthand term I shall use for "SETI scientists") has never disavowed its original formulated models, or responded to any suggestion that it reexamine its principles.

Indeed there has been no serious challenge to SETI's ideas. There have been complaints, quickly waved off, but no one has made the effort to carefully examine the foundations of SETI and learn whether SETI is truly on sound scientific ground.

Until now. On these pages you will find that critical examination and a proposal to replace the current program with a much broader quest: Open SETI. The Open SETI Initiative challenges virtually every aspect of the SETI program - its assumptions, its methodology, and its findings.





1. The Mind and Life Institute

URL:  http://www.mindandlife.org/mission.html

Rating: *****

"The Mind and Life Institute is an independent, not-for-profit organization devoted to fostering a creative dialogue between the Buddhist tradition and Western science. The Institute focuses on promoting this dialogue at the highest level, and with the utmost respect for both cultures, setting an international standard for this intercultural process. The aims of the dialogue are to explore new ideas and paradigms for collaborative research; to inform the Buddhist tradition of scientific findings relevant to its concerns; to deepen scientific understanding of Buddhist thinking and to contribute to its evolution in the West.
The Institute's main initiatives so far are a biennial series of week-long conferences between His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Western scientists. These meetings are private, but a substantial selection of the proceedings from each meeting is published in book form. The Institute is also actively conducting studies on specific topics at the frontier of collaborative research between science and Buddhism." (from MLI homepage)


2 ."What Is Enlightenment?" Online

URL: http://www.wie.org

Rating: ****

" Tackling today's most challenging spiritual questions, through interviews and dialogues with the most original and compelling spiritual teachers and thinkers of our time, each issue of What Is Enlightenment? is a mind-altering (and potentially life-altering) voyage into the explosive mystery at the heart of the spiritual quest."


3.  NewWorldView

URL: http://newworldview.com

Rating: *****

"NewWorldView is committed to the exploration of human consciousness. The foundation for this exploration is expressed in the 30-plus volumes of philosophy, fiction, and poetry written by the late Jane Roberts, archived in Yale University’s Sterling Memorial Library. This work, collectively known as the Seth material, is the second most visited collection and the only metaphysical body of work to be housed there.

Our mission [...] is to nurture the growing international community interested in exploring the practical applications of conscious creation. We do this by providing a forum for interaction, dialogue, and mind share through our conferences, author seminars, and web site."