Follow-up study to "The effect of the "laying on of hands" on transplanted breast cancer in mice" (William F. Bengston, David Krinsley), Journal of Scientific Exploration. 2000;14(3):353-364 Abstract: "After witnessing numerous cases of cancer remission associated with a healer who used "laying on of hands" in New York, one of us (W.B.) "apprenticed" in techniques alleged to reproduce the healing effect. We obtained five experimental mice with mammary adenocarcinoma (code: H2712; host strain: C3H/HeJ; strain of origin: c3H/HeHu), which had a predicted 100% fatality between 14 and 27 days subsequent to injection. Bengston treated these mice for 1 hour per day for 1 month. The tumors developed a "blackened area," then they ulcerated, imploded, and closed, and the mice lived their normal life spans. Control mice sent to another city died within the predicted time frame. Three replication using skeptical volunteers (including D.K.) and laboratories at Queens College and St. Joseph's College produced an overall cure rate of 87.9% in 33 experimental mice. An additional informal test by Krinsley at Arizona State resulted in the same patterns. Histological studies indicated viable cancer cells through all stages of remission. Reinjections of cancer into the mice in remission in Arizona and New York did not take, suggesting a stimulated immunological response to the treatment. Our tentative conclusions: Belief in laying on of hands is not necessary in order to produce the effect; there is a stimulated immune response to treatment, which is reproducible and predictable; and the mice retain an immunity to the same cancer after remission. Future work should involve testing on various diseases and conventional immunological studies of treatment effects on experimental animals."
I have been awarded a sabbatical for the fall 2002 semester to work with the cancer center of the University of Connecticut's medical school. We are moving on several fronts. First, we are going to replicate my healing studies in their "clean" lab, with an eye towards discovering what biological processes are involved in tumor regression. And second, I will be working with the radiology department doing functional MRI imaging to see if there are detectable brain patterns associated with healing. I will need several thousand dollars to cover costs of travel and housing. We already have funding for all medical costs. Other research directions/questions raised by this study are: 1. to determine the nature of the healing energy itself. Since we have a completely reliable procedure, there are many experiments that can be performed. For example, is there a way to "filter" out the healing effect, either through electromagnetic shielding or even through physical objects? If so, we will know some of the attributes of the energy. Is there X amount of energy being generated?...our observation is that the speed of remission is inversely related to body mass. Is this a function of metabolic rate or X amount of energy needed to produce a remission? If twenty mice remiss at a slower rate than ten, then it is likely to be a function of the amount of energy produced. If not, it is likely to be metabolic rate. Etc, etc. etc.... 2. The second line of research is to produce practical outcomes from the cured mice. We have found that cured mice live their normal life spans, and even upon re-injection are immune to the cancer. This has to be an immune response to treatment, which may in turn be transferable. If you would like to discuss any of these matters, please let me know. William Bengston, wbengston@sjcny.edu
Theoretical background is presented in series of papers at
4. Study of colloid systems, related to paper technology: Influence of electromagnetic and acoustic fields on physical parameters of the bulk and hydrated water for regulation of [coagulation - peptization] equilibrium of 5. In biotechnology and biochemistry: a wide range of problems, related to role of water in biosystems and water - biopolymers interaction (i.e. mechanism of cryoproteins action); 6. Mechanism of transition of flow from the laminar to turbulent one and the ways of this process regulation by means of electromagnetic and acoustic fields; 7. Evaluation of frequencies of cavitational fluctuations of water for the end of their effective resonant stimulation. It may be useful for: II. Application to nonaqueous systems
The market for Comprehensive Analyzer of Matter Properties (CAMP) is free
NEW HIERARCHIC THEORY OF CONDENSED MATTER AND ITS COMPUTERIZED APPLICATION TO WATER & ICE Alex Kaivarainen Department of applied physics, University of Turku, Vesilinnantie 5, FIN-20014, Turku, Finland H2o@karelia.ru
Extended Summary A quantum based new hierarchic quantitative theory, general for solids
and liquids, has been developed. It is assumed, that anharmonic oscillations of particles in
any condensed matter leadto emergence of three-dimensional (3D) superposition of standing de
Broglie waves ofmolecules, electromagnetic and acoustic waves. Consequently, any
condensed matter could beconsidered as a gas of 3D standing waves of corresponding nature. Our
approach unifies anddevelops the Einstein�s and Debye�s models. The most probable de Broglie wave (wave B) length is determined by the
ratio of Plank constant to the most probable impulse of molecules, or by ratio of its
most probable phase velocity to frequency. The waves B of molecules are related to their
translations (tr) and
librations (lb). This makes possible the atomic and molecular mesoscopic Bose condensation in solids and liquids at temperatures, below boiling point. It is one of the most important results of new theory, which we have confirmed by computer simulations on examples of water and ice and applying to Virial theorem. Four strongly interrelated new types of quasiparticles (collective excitations) were introduced in our hierarchic model:1. Effectons (tr and lb), existing in �acoustic� (a) and �optic� (b) states represent the coherent clusters in general case; 2. Convertons, corresponding to interconversions between tr and lb types of the effectons Transitons are the intermediate [a<--> b] transition states of the tr and lb effectons; 4. Deformons are the 3D superposition of IR electromagnetic or acoustic waves, activated by transitons and convertons. Primary effectons (tr and lb) are formed by 3D superposition of the most probable of the oscillating ions, atoms or molecules. The volume of effectons (tr and lb) may contain from less than one, to tens and even thousands of molecules. The first condition means validity of classical approximation in description of the subsystems of the quantum properties of coherent clusters due to mesoscopic Bose condensation (mBC), in contrast to macroscopic BC, pertinent for superfluidity and superconductivity.The liquids are semiclassical systems because their primary (tr) effectons contain less than one molecule and primary (lb) effectons - more than one molecule. The solids are quantum These consequences of our theory are confirmed by computer The 1st order [gas--> liquid] transition is accompanied by strong decreasing of number of rotational (librational) degrees of freedom due to emergence of primary (lb) effectons and [liquid--> solid] transition - by decreasing of translational degrees of freedom due to Bose-condensation of primary (tr) effectons. In the general case the effecton can be approximated by parallelepiped with edges determined by de Broglie waves length in three selected directions (1, 2, 3), related to symmetry of molecular dynamics. In the case of isotropic molecular motion the effectons� shape is approximated by cube. The number of molecules in the volume of primary effectons (tr and lb) is considered as the �parameter of order� in our theory of 1st order phase transitions. The in-phase oscillations of molecules in the effectons correspond to the effecton�s (a) - acoustic state and the counterphase oscillations correspond to their (b) - optic state. States (a) and (b) of the effectons differ in potential energy only, however, their kinetic energies, impulses and spatial dimensions - are the same. The b-state of the effectons has a common feature with Fr�lich�s polar mode. The a-->b or b--> a transition states of the primary effectons (tr and lb), defined as primary transitons, are accompanied by a change in molecule polarizability and dipole moment without density fluctuations. At this case they lead to absorption or radiation of IR photons, respectively. Superposition of three internal standing IR photons of different directions (1,2,3) - forms primary electromagnetic deformons (tr and lb).On the other hand, the [lb<--> tr] convertons and secondary transitons are accompanied by Superposition of standing phonons in three directions (1,2,3), forms secondary acoustic Correlated collective excitations of primary and secondary effectons and deformons (tr and macroeffectons, macrotransitons and macrodeformons (tr and lb respectively). Correlated simultaneous excitations of tr and lb macroeffectons in the volume of superimposed tr and lb electromagnetic deformons lead to origination of supereffectons. In turn, the simultaneous excitation of both: tr and lb macrodeformons and in the same volume means origination of superdeformons. Superdeformons are the biggest (cavitational) fluctuations, leading to microbubbles in liquids and to local defects in solids. Total number of quasiparticles of condensed matter equal to 4! =24, reflects all of possible combinations of the four basic ones [1-4], introduced above. This set of collective excitations in the form of �gas� of 3D standing waves of three types: de Broglie, acoustic and electromagnetic - is shown to be able to explain virtually all the properties of all condensed matter.The important positive feature of our hierarchic model of matter is that it does not need the semi-empirical intermolecular potentials for calculations, which are unavoidable in existing theories of many body systems. The potential energy of intermolecular interaction is involved indirectly in dimensions and stability of quasiparticles, introduced in our model. The main formulae of theory are the same for liquids and solids and include following experimental parameters, which take into account their different properties: [1]- Positions of (tr) and (lb) bands in oscillatory spectra; [2]- Sound velocity; [3]- Density; [4]- Refraction index. The knowledge of these four basic parameters at the same temperature and pressure makes it possible using our computer program, to evaluate more than 300 important characteristics of any condensed matter. Among them are such as: total internal energy, kinetic and potential energies, heat-capacity and thermal conductivity, surface tension, vapor pressure, viscosity, coefficient of self-diffusion, osmotic pressure, solvent activity, etc. Most of calculated parameters are hidden, i.e. inaccessible to direct experimental measurement.This is the first theory able to predict all known experimental anomalies for water and ice. The conformity between theory and experiment is very good even without adjustable parameters. The hierarchic concept creates a bridge between micro- and macro- phenomena, dynamics and thermodynamics, liquids and solids in terms of quantum physics. The full text of this paper is located at: http://arXiv.org/abs/physics/0102086 Computerized verification of our Hierarchic theory of matter on examples of water and ice has been performed, using special computer program: Comprehensive Analyzer of Matter Properties (CAMP, copyright, 1997, Kaivarainen). The new optoacoustic device (CAMP), based on this program, with possibilities much wider, than that of IR, Raman and Brillouin spectrometers, has been proposed by the author (see URL: http://www.karelia.ru/~alexk [Looking for Partners]). The demo version of CAMP computer program are available and may be ordered from the author. |
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