To go beyond understanding to wisdom requires awareness of the difference between doing things right (efficiency) and doing the right thing (effectiveness). The righter we do the wrong thing the wronger we become. Today a great deal of effort is expended by organizations in efforts to increase the efficiency with which the wrong things are being done. ACKOFF CenterProgram announcement on the Internet June 2001
INTRODUCTION AND A LITTLE HISTORY The idea of the International Symposium on paradoxical effects in biophysics and medicine evolved during the past year in a cooperative effort. Readers of MISAHA Newsletter know that MISAHA has been promoting the concept of the biofield for many years: the “architecture” of the organism cannot possibly emerge out of the “bricks” of biomolecules.1-5 Although this became apparent to many scientists, those trained in biochemistry have no idea of the “different level of organization” mentioned on TV by Craig Venter of Celera Genomics while announcing success in deciphering the human genome. My suggestion to get a glimpse of the biofield by studying the effect of exceptionally gifted individuals on simple organisms by means of cytophysiology and cytogenetics was taken with interest by Dr. Mogan Jackson and Dr. Shan Wong of NCCAM NIH. This was in July 2001 and this inspired the process. The initial plan was to bring those gifted individuals like Sun Chu-lin,6 who are reportedly capable of accelerating biological development of organisms by thousands of times, to laboratories of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. Although the inquiry sounds not quite “kosher,” highly qualified Russian scientists aren't poorly paid at home which could “justify” their involvement with such a controversial issue. Then, in September Dr. Leanna Standish of Bastyr University - the collaborator of that time - suggested to start with an international symposium to be held in the US. It was named “Anomalous Effects in Biophysics, Biology and Medicine and the Hypothesis of the Biofield.” Dr. Elena Burlakova of the Institute of Biochemical Physics, RAS - the coordinator of the Russian team - suggested to change “Anomalous” to “Paradoxical.” Yet, the title seemed to sound too challenging to those in charge of American government’s money. Dr. Joie Jones of UC Irvine - member of the organizing seed group - proposed to simplify it. This is how the title became “Paradoxical Effects in Biophysics and Medicine.” The following 31 abstracts received by now from scientists of 10 countries speak for themselves. The majority of the proposed presentations are not necessarily about the biofield. It is about the necessity of broadening the current set of fundamental assumptions. Indeed, current physics does not have any concept of life and life-related phenomena, and current biomedical science doesn’t have any concept of the general control system of the organism. Should these subjects be brought into the realm of science?
The OBJECTIVE of the Symposium is to set up an agenda for further international cooperation in studying biophysical, biological and medical phenomena that contradict current scientific paradigm based on the exchange of available scientific information and discussion of alternative biophysical and physical models. The STRUCTURE OF THE PROJECT includes: 1. Advanced publication of abstracts received and broadening the program by inviting American scientists involved with the genome, stem cells and similar projects as well as other specialists of NIH and American Academy of Sciences. 2. Five-days conference including
3. Publication of the Proceedings of the Symposium including the discussion of issues. 4. Development of a Grant Application for funding a broad international research program on the subject.
We are still looking for broadening the sponsorship base and funding of the project.
REFERENCES 1. S. L. Savva. A Systems Approach in Biology and Biophysics. MISAHA Newsletter #18-19, 1997, pp. 2-9 See also Proceedings of the 41 Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, Atlanta. GA, 1998 (on CD) 2. S. Savva. Toward a Cybernetic Model of the Organism. Advances of Mind Body Medicine V.14, #4, 1998 pp.292-301 3. S. Savva. Biofield and a Cybernetic Model of the Organism: Suggestion for Empirical Study. Proceedings of the 42 Annual Meeting of the ISSS, Asilomar, CA 1999 4. Savely Savva. Alternative Biophysics: Investing in the Study of the Biofield. MISAHA Newsletter, #27-27, 1999, pp. 2-10; 5. Savely Savva. Ultimate Biophysics: Investing in the Study of the Biofield. World Futures, V.57, 2001, pp.1-19 6. Savely Savva. Ms. Sun Chu-lin - the Outstanding Gift to be Studied. MISAHA Newsletter #28-29, 2000, pp.9-13
*Published in MISAHA Newsletter #32-35, 2001, pp.2-17 Carmel, California
Life, mind and the new nonsciousness: Physical consequences of a five-dimensional universe James E. Beichler, PhD Department of Physics, West Virginia University at Parkersburg P.O. Box 624 Belpre, Ohio 45714 USA Phone: (304) 629-0455 jebco1st@aol.com
In the past three decades, the scientific community has embarked upon an earnest and interdisciplinary assault on the mysteries of consciousness. Unfortunately, the scientific concept of consciousness is ambiguous at best, with psychologists, physicists and other scientists often using the term in conflicting ways. No one has ever defined consciousness in a manner which all could accept, let alone develop a workable theory of consciousness. This state of affairs is due to a basic duality of the concept that is reflected in the physical rather than the biological basis of consciousness itself. Scientists have failed to find the proper place of consciousness in nature because they have neglected to distinguish between what is physical but nonmaterial and what is both physical and material in our world. In the same manner, physicists do not normally distinguish between living matter and non-living matter, even though consciousness is, for all intents and purposes, associated only with living beings. It would therefore seem that a definition and theory of life must necessarily precede any theory of consciousness, at least from the perspective of the physicist who requires consciousness as a necessary element in the study of quantum theory. Although this task, in itself, might seem daunting, it is far from impossible to accomplish. A working theory of life can be developed in physics, but not within quantum mechanics. Using a five-dimensional space-time framework based upon the Einstein-Kaluza field model, life, followed by mind and consciousness, can all be explained as increasingly complex ‘entanglements’ or patterns of density variation in a single unified physical field. Life, mind and consciousness can then be seen as interrelated complexes in a non-material yet physical extension of our commonly perceived four-dimensional reality, with very exciting consequences. In particular, the consequences of this physical model go well beyond what would normally be expected of a physical theory. First of all, those phenomena that are commonly called paranormal, such as ESP and PK, emerge as natural consequences of the relationship between living organisms and the overall single field defining the universe. In fact, the existence of the paranormal could be predicted from this physical model if paranormal phenomena had not already been experienced and recorded. Secondly, concepts of enlightenment as proposed within the Buddhist, mystical and other spiritual philosophies are easily explained as differing degrees of awareness of the hyper-dimensional connections between all living beings. Thirdly, a physical theory of death, which can explain the various phenomena associated with NDEs, also emerges. The mind/consciousness complex survives the death of the four-dimensional material body. And finally, the purely physical basis of what some scientists term the ‘biofield’ and others call ‘chi’ or ‘ki’ can also be explained. The implications of this theory and the corresponding physical model of reality for the practice of ‘psychic healing’ alone are phenomenal and will eventually lead to verifiable evidence of the subtle and normally immeasurable but real influences that living beings have on the health of other living beings.
Research shows that healing is a potent therapy
5 Birchwood Dr., Medford, NJ 08055 USA (609) 714-1885 db@holistichealingresearch.com The author will summarize evidence from more than 200 controlled studies of healing. Two thirds of these studies demonstrate significant effects in humans, animals, plants, bacteria, yeasts, cells in laboratory culture, enzymes, and DNA. Also will be discussed:* Clinical reports of healing from around the world * Suggestions for how healing can be a useful and potent integrative CAM modality in medical and nursing practice. * Author’s experience of using his own healing gifts in combinationwith
Effects of superlow doses E.B. Burlakova, PhD Deputy Director, Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics, RAS ul. Kosygina, 4, 119991, Moscow, Russia +7 (095) 137-6420 seren@sky.chph.ras.ru
At the Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics, the research of the action of low-level chemical (since 1983) and physical (since 1986) factors on biological objects of different levels of organization (from biomacromolecules to organisms and populations) has been carried out. In 1983, it was discovered that biological agents taken in concentrations from 10 -13 to 10-14 M and lower display the same activity (both qualitative and quantitative) as in concentrations from 10-4 to 10-5 M.A so-called “dead zone” was observed between these two extremes: in this range of concentrations the effect is either absent or is significantly weaker. It means that biologically active substances (BAS) taken in concentrations that are much below NOEL (the level, at which a preparation is inefficient) can display a high biological activity. The BAS studied were natural antioxidants, regulatory peptides, antitumor compounds, adaptogens, neuromediators, herbicide, regulators of growth of plants, antidepressants, nootropic preparations, and many others. The preparations were used both separately and in formula. The synergistic and antagonistic effects of the BAS were studied with respect to each other and in combination with physical factors. The research results showed that the efficiency of superlow doses (SLD) of BAS and low-level factors are unique phenomena, which are not associated with any particular chemical structures or levels of biological organization. We formulated scientific principles of application of BAS SLD and low-level physical factors as nontraditional methods of therapy. An important result is the discovery of an enhancement of sensitivity of biological objects to the action of a variety of agents as a consequence of low-level effects produced, as well as elimination of toxic side effects of medicinal preparations, addiction to drugs, etc. At the Institute, tests for specific effects of low-level impacts and principles of modification (protection and sensitization) of these impacts are being developed. The studies performed on people (participants of liquidation teams of the Chernobyl PP accident who received low doses of ionizing irradiation) showed feasibility of developing tests to determine individual sensitivity to low-level factors. Hypotheses will be proposed to explain the mechanisms of the observed SLD effects as well as considerations about common targets of different chemical substances in SLD and low-level irradiation that account for their similar characteristic effects.
Biological effects of weak magnetic and electromagnetic fields
E. E. Fessenko, PhD, Cor. Member of RAS Director, Institute of Cellular Biophysics, RAN, Pushñhino, Moscow Region, 142292, Russia, +7(095)925-5984, +7(0967)790-509(Fax) fessenko@icb.psn.ru
One of the most important and yet unresolved problems of bioelectromagnetics is the nature of primary processes leading to the development of the response of a biosystem to electromagnetic radiation. When approaching this problem, at the first stage of the study, we searched for the effects that have great amplitude and can be easily reproduced. The following effects were detected: 1. A change in the open state probability of the Ca 2+-dependent К+ channel. By the action of millimeter radiation, this characteristic changed from 1.5 to 4 times.2. A change (3-10 times) in the rate of spontaneous hydrolysis of proteins exposed to combined permanent and variable magnetic fields. The effect depended on frequency and was observed at extremely low amplitudes of the variable field, which excludes any trivial thermal explanation of the effect. 3. A change (2-3 times) in the rate of synthesis of the tumor necrosis factor by peritoneal phagocytes in mice exposed to weak radiation of centimeter waves. 4. A change in the rate of planarians’ division (3-10 times) by the action of combined permanent and variable magnetic fields. This effect was also freguency-dependent (one of the operating frequencies was the “cyclotron” frequency of Ca 2+ ions) and was observed for very weak fields.5. A change (2-5 times) in the rate of 32P incorporation into the components of the inositol cycle in insect antennas. The effect was observed at small (nonthermal) values of power flux densities (0.5µWt/cm2).The high amplitudes of these effects made it possible, on the one hand, to study their kinetics and, on the other hand, to approach the question regarding the nature of primary processes. It turned out that in cases 1-4, the biological effect can be produced not only by direct application of electromagnetic and magnetic fields but also by replacing the nonradiated aqueous phase in which a biosystem (a membrane fragment in patch-clamp experiments, a protein molecule, mouse phagocytes, and planarians) was localized with the irradiated one. These experiments suggest that, at least in four of five cases, a receptor of changes was the aqueous phase (a salt solution, culture medium, etc.), and that it was in the aqueous phase that those primary events occurred which later led to the development of the biological effect. We studied this effect more thoroughly in the case of Ca 2+-dependent K+ channels. It was found that electromagnetic radiation changes the apparent affinity of Ca2+ ions to the channel-forming structure. Thus, it can be concluded that the physicochemical changes in the aqueous phase that are induced by electromagnetic radiation change the affinity of the receptor for the ligand. If this phenomenon is of a general character, this suggests that electromagnetic radiation can be used to control a great variety biochemical processes. The next important question is what physicochemical changes of the aqueous phase are responsible for the biological effects of electromagnetic fields. Two possibilities should be considered: chemical changes (e. g., the generation of active forms of oxygen) and changes in the physical parameters of the solution (e. g., structuring of water with the formation of water clusters).
Biomorphogenesis as a holographic nonlocal space-time process
P.P. Gariaev, PhD*,G.G. Tertishny, PhD and E.A. Leonova, PhD *Chief Scientific Officer, Wave Genetics Inc., 907 Alness Street, North York, ON M3J 2N2, Toronto, Canada.
Basic assumptions of our work include the following:
Two- and three-dimensional mathematical models of the bioholographic control over the development of spatial structure of multicellular organisms in the process of embryogenesis were presented in our previous publications. 1-3 They were based on the dispersion of a chromosomal endogenous laser light beam by cell’s DNA-continuum material.The current work is based on the analysis of the undispersed part of the outcoming light. Its space-time structure carries full information about processes in the substance-wave structures of DNA that the light passed through. These processes can be recorded and than reconstructed by using referent light beams. A physical-mathematical model is developed that describes a version of holographic vector-image calibration of dynamic processes in biological systems.
References 1. Gariaev P.P., Wave based genome. Monograph. М. Ed. Public profits. 1994, 279p. (In Russian)2. Gariaev P.P., Tertishnii G.G., Gotovsky U.V., Leonova E.A., Holographic and quantum NonLocality of genome. Proceedings of thre 5th International conference “Theoretical and Clinical Aspects of using Bioresonance and Multiresonance Therapy”. Part II. “IMEDIS”, Moscow. 1999, pp.256-272. (In Russian) 3. Prangishvili I.V., Gariaev P.P., Tertishny G.G., Leonova E.A., Mologin A.V., Garber M.R., Genetic structures as source and receiver of holographic information. Sensors and Systems, №2, 2000, с.2-8. (In Russian)
The challenge of consciousness Robert G. Jahn, PhD* Director, Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research, Princeton University Princeton, NJ 08544 USA rgjahn@princeton.edu The incorporation of consciousness within the purview of rigorous science indeed presents a huge array of conceptual and methodological problems. As yet we do not really know how to define it, how to characterize it, how to model it, or how to measure its properties. We do not understand its relationships with the physical world, including those with its own physiological mechanics. Its inclusion inevitably will bring with it a universe of subjective experience and expression that does not nestle well into the canons of scientific objectivity, replicability, and quantification, along with a host of mildly and wildly anomalous physical effects. And it will insist in playing only on grossly probabilistic, inherently uncertain terms. Is the challenge of consciousness worth all of this trouble, or should we continue to exclude it from the tidy workshop of objective science? Although it commits us to an extremely difficult agenda, it is our position that the admission of consciousness into systematic science is possible, desirable, and indeed essential to the ultimate relevance of science to the human condition, and thereby to the survival and evolution of the species. For in studying consciousness, we are doing nothing less than studying our own vital essence: our minds; our spirits; our lives; and our eternal presence and purpose in the cosmic plan.
Mathematical models and methods for investigation of living systems’ response to ultra weak actions. Alexander Konradov, MS Head of Math. Modeling group Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences Kosygin Street 4, Moscow 117334, Russia
Response of living and physico-chemical systems to ultra-weak action may not be revealed until adequate method of analysis is used. The specificity of living systems response is determined by background and sub background action level, which is evolutionary customary. The system does not recognize this action as a significant external one and has a power to compensate such “signal” by internal resources. Compensation is able to keep systems parameters inside a normal range. So, we may not notice any changes by means of standard descriptive statistics. But these small changes may become apparent in the interrelationship between variables, which may be revealed by correlation analysis and some integral measure of difference (multivariate distance). Experience shows, that it is true. The application of some integral index of correlation and multivariate distances allows discovering the effect of low-level radiation on individuals and people populations, for example. Chronic “signal” action may lead to changes not variables but parameters of system and, hence, is able to move phase point to unstable region near bifurcation. Low stability near bifurcation point leads then to the increase of system noise level. Measuring any flows, emitted by the system (electromagnetic, optic, thermal and so on), is a potent source of information about the system state. So, the methods of analysis of noise-similar processes, the revelation of hidden and quasiperiodic patterns are really useful for evaluation of system’s state changes, as a result of action. Examples will be presented of application of such methods to cell populations and even to non-living physico-chemical systems.
Nature of “bioenergetic” and “psychophysical” phenomena in view of modern physics Dmitri N. Kulikov, MS Engineer, Rocket-Space Corporation “Energia”, Moscow region, Korolev, Cziolkovski St., 15/14, Apt. 148, 141070 Russia
The understanding of the physical nature of “bioenergetic” and “psychophysical” phenomena can be helped by analyzing extensive available, though fragmented, reports of their scientific studies. Such analysis points to a fundamental relationship between but not identity of physical mechanisms of these two types of the phenomena. The bioenergetic phenomena prevail in biophysical processes of living organisms. The psychophysical phenomena are associated with a previously unknown and extremely unusual physical mechanism - interaction of informational reflections of objects and processes of the material world in some separate information realm of the physical world. Reasons for the necessity of such separate realm and the mechanism of realization of psychophysical phenomena, called “energy-information,” are presented in [1]. Existing theories of the psychophysical phenomena, unfortunately, unable to satisfactorily connect processes of generation and perception of the hypothetical physical agent with the process of generation of nervous pulses - material carriers of the brain function.. Functioning of this mechanism and advantages of the energy-information concept in understanding psychophysical phenomena are considered in [2]. This is only a general approach that has been developed based on A.M.Hazen’s[3] concept of self organization of physical information and I.L.Gerlovin’s [4] quantum theory generalizing all interactions in substance. In organisms with central nervous systems (CNS) this mechanism is associated with quantum processes causing changes in the functional state of synaptic receptors of neurons and thus influencing the function of CNS. Based on the proposed energy-information theory, functional models are presented of the basic types of psychophysical phenomena. Also, predicted are some features of the physical world that may explain results of physical and parapsychological experiments as well as some bioenergetic phenomena unexplainable within the current scientific paradigm. Further study into the energy-information field has a great potential for development of essentially new and unique equipment for a wide spectrum of the medical and biotechnological purposes. References 1. Kulikov D.N. Analysis of Modern Conceptual Models of Psychophysical Phenomena. Parapsychology and Psychophysics, #2(30), 2000, pp.52-59 (in Russian) 2 Kulikov D.N. Bases of the Energy-Information Theory. Parapsychology and Psychophysics, #2(30), 2000, pp.60-78 (in Russian) 3 Hazen A.M. Introduction of Information Measure into Axiomatic Basis of Mechanics, Raub, Moscow 1998 (in Russian) 4. Gerlovin I.L. Bases of the General Theory of All Interactions in Substance, Moscow,1990 (in Russian)
Psi -Universe - the coming vision of the world Ervin Laszlo, PhD Founder and Director The General Evolution Research Grour Villa Franaton I - 56040 Montescudaio (Pisa), Italy +390-586-650-395 (Fax) laszlo@etrurianet.it Reality - at least our reality takes different shapes with the different conceptions we entertain of it. Entirely divergent conceptions of reality are possible, and many of them have achieved explicit formulation in the history of thought. For purposes of this analysis we group the major kinds of systematic realities under the heading of “alternative universes”. There are four of them:
1) the mystical mu-universe 2) the teleological tau-universe 3) the random-change phi-universe 4) the self-forming psi-universe.
The origins of the mu-universe go back to the dawn of human intellectual history, with roots in both Eastern and Western thought. It was Plato who introduced it into systematic philosophy. Plato embraced the mystical tenet that the ultimate realities subsist unchanged, on a separate plane of existence. In the Platonic universe the things encountered in the material world arrange themselves according to their perfect and eternal archetypes. Plato’s thesis is cogent, but requires the acceptance of two separate planes of reality. Aristotle objected to this postulate and proceeded to outline the historically powerful variant of the tau-universe. In Aristotle’s conception matter is inert and formless. To account for the world’s known properties we must assume the action of four distinct “causes”, including the final cause which makes the universe basically teleological. The essential forms or designs imprint themselves on perceived realities as their “entelechies”. These kept cropping up time and again - in Driesch, in Bergson, and in the “vitalist” school in philosophy and biology. The phi-universe has an especially rich history, first within philosophy and then in science. Its origins can be traced to the atomism of Democritus and Leucippus. In De Rerum Natura the Roman poet Lucretius produced a representative and eloquent statement of it. “Multitudinous atoms, swept along in multitudinous courses through infinite time by mutual clashes and their own weight, came together in every possible way and realized everything that could be formed by their combinations.” Scientific atomisms viewed the world as the precise and predictable concourse of atoms (or more basic particles) in space and in time. The universe is a precise clockwork, a giant mechanism that, once wound up, runs predictably until it runs down. The laws of motion that determine all things in the universe are dynamic, invariant and universal. The mechanistic version of atomism ran into problems by the turn of the century. Probed with more precise instruments, the universe refused to behave like a precise mechanism. The uncertainties that came to light suggest not merely limitations of knowledge but basic indeterminacies at the heart of reality. Instead of there being single and definite world lines, there are but ensembles of potential trajectories. Which of them will be actualized is not determined in advance; hence it is not knowable in advance. The probabilistic variant of the phi-universe remains the main reality for contemporary science to this day. The upcoming vision of the world - the psi- universe - will incorporate life as physical reality. It will engage new mechanisms of organization of matter, of storing memory and transferring information; it will deal with forces that cause complex actions of living beings in a teleonomic way. This will incorporate rather than negate all previous universes. this is manifested in the type of bimodal curves with characteristic maxima at high concentration of antioxidants (10-6 for both antioxidants) and in the range of ultra-low doses (10-8-10-18 M for a-TL and 10-12 - 10-16M for Ph-K). Secondly, this is also indicated by the existence of the “silence zone” between them in the range of low antioxidant concentrations ( 10-6M for a-TL and Ph-K) and ultralow doses ( 10-8-10-18M for a-TL and 10-12-10-16 M for Ph-K ). In all these cases the silent zone covers 1-4 orders of magnitude of antioxidant concentrations. Thus, we can conclude, that both natural as well as synthetic antioxidants are the typical agents showing effect in ultra-low doses.
Observation of accelerated embrionic development of chicks Lee Pulos, MD Private Practitioner 1260 Horuby St. 2d Floor, Vancouver, BC, V6Z 1W2 Canada (604) 669-6979 pulos@interchange.ubc.ca
As clinical psychologist interested in paradoxical manifestations of human mind, I had an opportunity to observe exceptionally psi-gifted individuals on the Philippines and in Brazil. Outstanding abilities of Thomaz Morais Coutinho of Brazil are described in our 1990 book “Miracles and Other Realities” (Omega Press) co-authored with Gary Richman. Thomas produced the most remarkable effect - accelerated embryonic development of unfertilized chicken eggs - at least four times. The first fully successful incident occurred in 1982 in presence of several friends and observers including a physician, a psychiatrist and local judge, in a restaurant setting. Following his “inner voice,” he requested that fifteen eggs be purchased at a local market and placed at the table before him. After a period of deep trance, he cracked the eggs one by one and broke their contents into a large flat bowl. Looking highly excited, he kept his hands, palms down over the eggs. Slowly, the yolks began to change their texture, solidifying and becoming darker. Different densities began forming and within five minutes, the fetal forms of baby chicks could be identified. Over the next two minutes, the internal organs of the embryos could be seen through the membranes. After nine minutes, the first sounds of life were heard - the “ cheep-cheeping” of little chicks. From the fifteen eggs nine baby chicks were hatched. Five of the nine died within three days. In one of the next three demonstrations only half of the chicks survived and apparently developed normally. The described session was photographed in a series of consecutive frames that will be presented at the meeting. Repeating this or a similar occurrence with a thorough cytogenetic and cytophysiological analysis of the embryo in the process of accelerated development could shed light on the biophysics of life.
Measurement of intrinsic quantum fields associated with conscious intention Glen Rein, Ph.D. Founder, Quantum Biology Research Lab. POBox 157, Northport, NY 11768 USA quantumbio@att.net
Scientific evidence supports the existence of a non-chemical, energetic intercellular communication system. It is tempting to extend this idea of an energetic communication system to information exchange between two people. The ability of biological systems to absorb and emit specific frequencies of electromagnetic (EM) radiation supports these ideas. Emitted radiation is now called the Biofield. Nonetheless the actual mechanism of how one person or cellular system “informs” another is unknown. Experimental evidence indicates that target-specific information can be directed at will and produce a physiological effect according to the conscious intention of the practitioner. Most of these studies are phenomenological in nature and do not address underlying mechanisms. Nonetheless, information exchange between humans or between man and machine is non-local, suggesting the quantum nature of the phenomenon. Furthermore, the recent demonstration of macroscopic quantum coherence in biological systems indicates quantum processes occur in the body. Understanding the role of intrinsic quantum processes should give valuable information about their role in regulating normal and abnormal physiological processes. From an experimental point of view, these phenomenon are difficult to study. One approach is the study the quantum fields generated as a result of these processes. Non-linear analysis of surface electrodermal signals has been used to characterize this quantum information, yielding new information about underlying physiological processes. The approach utilized in these studies is not to use physical detectors to measure quantum fields generated from the body, but rather to use biological systems, which can respond in a nonlinear manner. DNA is a particularly interesting molecule to use in this regard because of its superconducting properties. As a first step in the development of a bioassay for quantum fields, purified human DNA was used and tertiary structural changes measured. The tertiary structure of DNA is held together with hydrogen bonds, which are known to have intrinsic quantum properties. It was therefore postulated that conformational changes in DNA would be particularly sensitive to conscious human intention. Furthermore, the specificity of such intentionality can be readily measured, since the two strands in partially denatured DNA are free to wind or unwind. Conformational changes were measured by standard biochemical methods using UV absorption spectroscopy at 260 nm. For a typical experiment aliquots of human placental DNA were transferred to identical sealed test tubes and before-after measurements made. Untreated control aliquots showed a natural tendency to unwind with an increase in absorption of 1.09 % ± 0.8. Aliquots treated with the conscious intention to unwind DNA caused a larger increase in absorption from 2-10% depending on the experiment. Aliquots treated with the intention to wind DNA produced a decrease in absorption from 2-5%. These effects, which are statistically significant, indicate that DNA is sensitive to the informational content of consciousness. A recent modification of this assay allows measuring dynamic changes in rewinding following heat denaturation. Preliminary evidence suggests an oscillatory response as a function of time following exposure to conscious intention. Such oscillatory behavior is a likely example of macroscopic quantum coherence indicating a new method of measuring quantum fields associated with consciousness.
Assesment of the human biofield of biofield healers and patients by digital electrophotography
Beverly Rubik, Ph.D. Exec. Director, Institute for Frontier Science 6114 LaSalle Ave., Oakland, CA 94611 USA (510) 531-5767 explore@concentric.net
A new form of digital Kirlian photography, developed by K. Korotkov in Russia, shows the electro-photographic emission of the fingertips with much greater reproducibility and replicability than older forms of Kirlian photography. These emission patterns may be associated with aspects of the human biofield and related to the status of health or healing states. Electrophotographs made before and after alternative medical interventions, in particular, biofield therapies and other types of energy medicine that shift the bioenergetics of patients and healers show measurable and statistically significant changes as seen via computer analysis of the electrophotographs. A variety of biofield therapists who perform Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, and other types of energy healing were studied. It was found that the pre- and post-treatment photographs were altered, for both patients and biofield therapists who treated them. Not only were these changes easily visible in the photographs, but they were quantitatively assessed. These parameters include the total area of the corona discharge, brightness, intensity, and fractality. Such measurable changes in electrophotography may be useful in assessing the value of a therapy for a particular case, the predicted outcome for a therapeutic course of a particular case, and whether a biofield therapist is depleting their reserves when treating patients.
Hypothesis of the biofield
Savely Savva, MS Executive Director, Monterey Institute for the Study of Alternative Healing Arts 3855 Via Nona Marie, Ste.102-C, Carmel, CA 93923 USA (831) 622-7975 misaha@aol.comThe hypothesis of the biofield, as it was engendered by developmental biologists at the turn of the 20 th century, suggested existence of a nonlocal force controlling embryogenesis and carrying the genetically based program of development. This concept becomes exceedingly relevant today with the growing understanding that the 30-40 thousand genes of the human genome alone are unable to hold the immense amount of genetically transferred information and with the increasing interest in using stem cells for therapeutic purposes. The hereby-suggested hypothesis of the biofield holds the following.- The biofield is a specific physical field associated with any and all forms of life and based on a yet-unknown fundamental physical interaction. - The information carried by the biofield is based on the entire genetic material of the organism at any stage of its ontogenic development and provides hierarchical operative control carrying all fundamental programs of life - development, maintenance, reproduction and death - with their physiological and behavioral aspects. - Individual biofields are capable of interacting with other known fundamental physical fields and biofields of other organisms incurring changes and/or obtaining information and meanings, along established informational-emotional bonds. Intensity of this quality may vary broadly among members of a biological population. As an essentially different level of organization compared to that of the cellular genome the biofield requires a new conceptual apparatus and methodology of its scientific study. The suggested approach is aimed at establishing effects of the human biofield - expressed as a conscious intent of exceptionally gifted individuals - on cellular physiological and genetic processes in relatively simple organisms. Methodological principles include: - Acceptances of the inherent quantitative irreproducibility of results due to irreproducibility of experimental conditions that include psychological and physiological conditions of the operator; therefore, only the most expressive runs are to be studied. - Importance of establishing an information-emotional bond between the operator and the object as well as of the operator’s attitude and conscious intent; exclusion of a hostile psychological environment in the experiment. - Utilization of the entire methodological arsenal of contemporary biophysics, biochemistry and cytology.
Electrophysiology of growth control and acupuncture Charles Shang, MD, Department of Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine 69 Butler St., SE, Atlanta, GA 30303 USA (770)-457-7743 cshang@yahoo.com Bioelectric fields have been shown to interact with morphogens and guide growth control. The morphogenetic singularity theory published a decade ago suggests that organizing centers have high density of gap junctions and high electrical conductance. They are the singular points in morphogen gradient and bioelectric field. A growth control system originates from a network of organizing centers containing under-differentiated cells and retains its regulatory functions after embryogenesis. The formation and maintenance of all the physiological systems are directly dependent on the activity of the growth control system. The evolutionary origin of the growth control system is likely to have preceded all the other physiological systems. Its genetic blueprint might have served as a template from which the newer systems evolved. The growth control signal transduction is embedded in the activity of the function-based physiological systems. The regulation of most physiological processes is through growth control mechanisms such as hypertrophy, hyperplasia, atrophy, and apoptosis. Acupuncture points, which also have high electrical conductance and high density of gap junctions, originate from organizing centers. This theory can explain the distribution and non-specific activation of organizing centers and many research results in acupuncture. In several ‘prospective blind trials’, recent research results have supported its corollary on the role of singularity and separatrix in morphogenesis, the predictions on the high electric conductance and the high density of gap junctions at the organizing centers. These advances have broad implications in biomedical sciences.
Sun Chulin phenomenon: solid evidences of psychic power Shen Jinhuang (PhD equivalent) Professor, Dept of Material Sciences, China University of Geosciences 100083, No.29, Xueyuan Road, Beijing, PR of China + 86-10-8232-7807 profshen@163.com
Based on results of our experiments, new concepts (terms) are suggested: Psychic Quantum Radiation (PQR), Psychic Quantum Field (PQF), and Psychic Quantum Energy (PQE). Sun Chulin phenomenon manifests in various kinds of strong effects upon objects and life forms, which can be summarized as follows: 1. Mechanical effects (psychokinesis): - Distantly moving objects by PQE - Distantly spinning radiometer fan in a dark room by PQE in both direction. - Distantly moving objects through a solid wall (glass). 2. Optical effects: - Thoughtography (projection of mental images onto photosensitive paper): colorful images of three-dimensional objects appear on photosensitive paper after development in a Polaroid camera with closed lens. - Biophoton Emission (PQE): electromagnetic radiation at 10 kHz frequency range was recorded from Ms. Sun’s palms. 3. Electro-Magnetic Effects: - Magnetic effect at Laogong points: 4mOe magnetic field intensity was recorded by using Model DM-2220 digital magnetometer. 4. Biological effects: - Significant acceleration of seeds sprouting (dramatically increased ATPasa activity was observed at the cellular level). - Revitalization and accelerated sprouting of fully denatured seeds (hundreds of successful runs). 5. Changing chemical composition and structure of a matter: - Materialization of elements and compounds in water inside sealed containers Observations of phenomena, which cannot be properly explained based on current knowledge, always lead to discoveries of new scientific laws of nature. Further scientific study of Sun Chulin phenomenon may shed light on new channels and mechanism for exchange of information, energy and matter; time-space structure (hyperspace); wave-particle duality; new basic sub-quark particles; etc. Although one can envisage some practical application of Sun Chulin phenomenon such as breeding new and better varieties of bio-forms - in agriculture, healing chronic diseases - in medicine, developing new processes - in technology, we believe that a thorough scientific study of Sun Chulin’s biological effects at biophysical, cytogenetic and cytophysiological levels may elucidate the nature of control function in cells and organisms which is a very practical problem.
Physical fields and living systems Simon Schurin, MD, PhD Retired, Gottfried Albert Gasse 5/28 1140, Wein, Austria +431 914-3902
The methodology of contemporary physical science causes difficulty in learning physical mechanisms of living systems functioning. For instance, physical mechanisms of coding and decoding the biological information are understood very vaguely, the concept of the biofield as manifested in ontogenesis and phylogenesis as well as in the organization of and control over vital processes is practically not developed, concepts of the emergence and evolution of life in the universe as related to properties of fundamental physical fields and forces are very superficial. The mathematical description of life processes is still beyond the horizon. One of the problems is that physics for many reasons doesn’t take life as the object in the study of the physical world while in reality it may be the superposition for the unified physical field and can only be described in view of a unified field theory. The author suggests that the living and inanimate worlds are inseparably connected with the former organizing the hierarchy of fundamental fields and elementary particles. At the initial nuclear synthesis, there were two types of nuclear forces producing nuclei with the same nuclear masses but potentially capable of either inorganic or organic elementogenesis and consequent molecular synthesis. This assumption is supported by the facts that organic substances have been found in meteorites and that living systems are built of left-handed isomers and are capable of utilizing left-handed isomers only. Thus author suggests that nuclear forces are the carriers of the inherent evolutionary memory of life and programs that determine sequential organization of field interactions in living systems.
Influence of magnetic field on dynamics of biophysical and biochemical processes in cells Erkin N. Shermatov*, Ulugbek N. Radjabov, Naim.O.Sadikov * Assoc.Professor, Department of Physics, Samarkand State UniversityUniversity Blvd, 15, Samarkand, 703004 Uzbekistan +7 (3662) 350-174 info@samarkand.uz Study of the radiation field of people with unique abilities showed that such people are able to change the tension of the magnetic field around themselves or in a certain direction. Moreover, such magnetic field has an oscillatory character. Considering that life evolved under the influence of Earth’s magnetic field tension, it is reasonable to study the influence of the human-generated magnetic field on dynamics of biophysical and biochemical processes at the cellular level.Processes of matter formation from vacuum liquid and mechanisms providing its division into living and non-living substances are considered. As a self-organizing system, living substance uses the external energy to support and develop its own structure. The external magnetic field plays a basic role in various biochemical processes. Living substance, including cells, may be considered as a complex hierarchy of delivered and enclosed wave-packets or phase structures (Fourier images). The influence of physical vacuum or vacuum liquid leads to amplification of phase coherence among cell’s elements and deceleration of biochemical processes. Thermal radiation hampers this process. As the result of such interaction some deformation or polarization of wave packets occurs. The external magnetic field affects repolarization degree as well as dynamics of oscillating hierarchy of phase structures. Induced magnetic moments possess three degrees of freedom and causes degradation of internal energetic structures of each element. This can be considered as a factor, which distorts the phase coherence of oscillations inside separate elements and the cell as a whole. A shift of biochemical processes in cells towards low-energy or high-energy regions occurs depending on the value of external magnetic field. Decrease and consequent absence of external magnetic field leads to more symmetric processes. As a result we have deceleration and ensuing cessation of biochemical processes normally supporting cell’s vital activity. Increase of magnetic field to a certain extent may lead to a favorable amplification of biochemical processes. However, high values of magnetic field’s tension may distort a balance of biochemical processes and lead to various harmful effects. The proposed concept includes basic moments of two concepts namely, “coherent excitation” by H. Fr ölich, and “albumen-machine.” In terms of the proposed model for physics of living substance one can explain the original experimental results of V.P. Kaznacheev et al. related to information exchange between distant single-cell organisms, influence of the Earth’s magnetic field variation on vital activity of living organisms, etc.Biochemical and biophysical processes in the human organism adapt themselves to current values of magnetic field tension at location. As a result of various processes in outer space, some whirl processes exerting influence on the Earth’s magnetic field tension may take place in vacuum liquid. In turn, alteration of magnetic field, depending on individual’s internal abilities and the degree of phase correlation, influences vital activity of the human being. In some cases, when an individual is able to consciously make the internal resources ready for such alteration, the organism may stand these processes without any noticeable after-effects.
Learning from water, a possible quantum computing medium Cyril W. Smith, PhD Honorary Senior Lecturer (retired), School of Acoustics and Electronics, University of Salford, Salford M5 4WT, England Cyril.smith@which.net This work is the result of many years investigations into the problems of understanding how living systems make use of electromagnetic fields and frequencies and into the physics underlying homoeopathy. It is well-known that water is essential to life as we know it and that living systems have extremely high electric fields across membranes in an aqueous environment, and use electrical communication systems such as nerve impulses. From QED theory, Del Giudice and Preparata have proposed that water has domains of coherence in the ground state as a fundamental property. The novelty in this paper is the experimental application of the properties of coherence to coherent frequencies in water and living systems. Clinical effects were obtained in 1982 with water after it had been exposed to a magnetic field and magnetic vector potential at a patient specific frequency thereby putting homoeopathy in the realm of quantum physics and not chemistry. Living systems were found to respond to single a quantum of magnetic flux, to have properties resembling a Josephson Effect and to be sensitive to the magnetic vector potential. The details of the techniques for writing or imprinting a frequency into water have been established and also for reading, changing, concealing and erasing such an imprint. This implies that a parallel/antiparallel alignment of ‘qubits’ has been thermalised. The liquid nature of water requires that its memory be non-local. A possible physical established coherent system, the constant parameter is the coherence length; the velocity becomes proportional to the frequency with no obvious upper limit. Many solutions are possible and multiple interactions may occur at widely differing frequencies within a living system.
A multidimensional universe model allowing human consciousness to quantitatively influence physical reality W.A. Tiller, Ph.D. Director, William A Tiller Foundation for New Science This model (1,2)can be conveniently divided into a physical reality part (A) and a higher dimensional reality part (B):A. The model shows that, what we call physical reality is comprised from two reciprocal parts, (1) a coarse level, electric monopole constituted, particulate aspect traveling at velocities less than physical light, c, and (2) a fine level magnetic monopole-written, information wave aspect traveling at velocities greater than c. The details of the de Broglie pilot wave envelope, constructed from these information waves, may or may not embody a magnetic dipole quality that physics has heretofore proposed to be particle spin-related. The proper frame of reference for viewing these two aspects of physical reality is a biconformal base-space comprised of two, four-dimensional, reciprocal subspaces, one of which is distance-time. This constitutes a special member in the general family of 8-spaces. Thus, any physical measurement contains two contributions, one from each subspace. When the magnitude of the coupling coefficient between the substances of the two subspaces is small, one obtains the typical U(1) electromagnetic (EM) Gauge symmetry result wherein the reciprocal space contribution is non-zero but sufficiently small that careful statistical analysis of the measured data is needed to discriminate it from the direct-subspace contribution. When the coupling coefficient is sufficiently large, the reciprocal subspace contribution to any measurement is also large and can dominate the total measurement magnitude (often leading to an SU(2) EM Gauge symmetry result). This coupling coefficient arises from a substance (labeled “deltrons”), from the 9-dimensional domain of emotion, which is not constrained by relativity theory and thus can travel both faster and slower than c. All of this is necessary for the existence of EM since the magnetic dipoles detected in the U(1) EM Gauge symmetry state are merely magnetic monopole “images” acting via the de Broglie pilot wave envelope in the physical vacuum. Since the reciprocal subspace domain is a frequency domain, it quite naturally connects to the higher dimensional domains which are also frequency domains with significant band gaps between. Thus, this “physical reality” structural unit is imbedded in the still higher dimensional domains of emotion (9D), mind (10D) and spirit (11D and above) allowing consciousness and intention to interact with physical reality. B. In this model, the larger reality is that we are all spiritual beings learning to be effective creators via interaction with a unique teaching machine which I label “the simulator”. This is a ten-dimensional structure, somewhat like the holodeck of TV’s “Starship Enterprise,” via which we are able to collectively create an abundant variety of relative universes and sensorily experience the unfoldment of the process. The key structural and process aspects of this 10-D simulator are as follows: (1) It consists of a close-packed network of nodal point structures that act as transponders/transducers for consciousness wave/energy wave conversion. This nodal point network functions on three size scales (frequency scales), NN M, NNR and NND with the two larger grids (R and D) being superlattice-like grids to the primary grid (NNM is the analogue of the 3-D, hexagonal close-packed structure at a lattice spacing of lM~10-27 meters). Thus, a specific pattern of diffracted consciousness waves from the mind lattice impinge on NNR, the nodal point network structure of the reciprocal subspace domain (lR~10-17 meters) both transferring a correlated imprint pattern to NNR and exciting a lower frequency band of consciousness waves to diffract from the NNR. These lower frequency consciousness waves impinge on NND, the nodal point structures of the direct subspace domain (lD~10-7 meters ) further transferring another correlated imprint pattern to NND. (2) The spirit aspect of self activates the driving consciousness wave pattern from NNM via a specific intention and the nodal point structures both downshift the frequency of these propagating consciousness waves and convert them to various types of energy wave patterns. These energy wave patterns communicate with the various types of particles and agglomerates of particles residing within the interstices of the appropriate nodal network and (3) Because these three nodal networks, when perfectly ordered, form reciprocal hexagonal close-packed lattices to each other, any quality of substance in the subspace of one network is related to the complementary quality in another network via a Fourier transform relationship to provide a true quantitative linkage. Both the correlation pattern and the relative signal amplitude between the original intention imprint pattern on the NNM, and that ultimately registered on NND, depend intimately upon the disorder of the NNR and NND with respect to the perfect hexagonal close-packed superlattice structures. This is another quantitative modulator of the model.The general “simulator” model allows us to expand our present quantum mechanics paradigm so as to (in principle) quantitatively include the effects of human consciousness and intention on physical reality!
References 1. W. A. Tiller, Science and Human Transformation: Subtle Energies, Intentionality and Consciousness. Pavior Publishing, Walnut Creek, CA, 1997 2. W.A. Tiller, W.E. Dibble Jr. and M.J. Kohane, Conscious Acts of Creation: The Emergence of a New Physics. Pavior Publishing, Walnut Creek, CA, 2001
On some biofield measurements in a “conditioned” laboratory space William A. Tiller, PhD and Walter E. Dibble, Jr.,PhD* * Senior Scientist, William A Tiller Foundation for New Science909 So Pinecone St, Payson AZ 85541 USA (928) 468-7388 wdibble@uneedspeed.net Over the past five years we have found that human intention, imbedded into simple electronic devices (IIED’s) via a unique processing technique, can act as a true thermodynamic potential to robustly alter the measured properties of both inanimate and animate materials producing (1) a shift in pH of purified water (ASTM type 1), in equilibrium with air, either up or down by one full pH unit with measurement accuracy of ±0.01 pH units and with no chemical additions to the water, (2) an increase in the in vitro thermodynamic activity of both ALP (alkaline phosphatase) and ATP by ~15-30% with a statistical significance of p < 0.001, (3) a reduction of in vivo fruit fly larval development time by ~25% at p<0.001 and (4) a large DC magnetic field polarity effect on water pH. It was found that, by simply continuing to use an IIED in a particular laboratory space for ~3-4 months, the laboratory became “conditioned” and it was the state of that “conditioning” that determined the robustness of these experimental results. From the unique experimental signatures associated with a partially “conditioned” space, our working hypothesis is that such a space constitutes a mixed U(1)/SU(2) physics gauge symmetry environment and that “conditioning” constitutes the development of domains of order in an otherwise fully disordered physical vacuum. We utilize a particular biconformal base-space frame of reference (two reciprocal subspaces with one being distance-time) for viewing nature’s many expressions in order to understand this experimental data. Following this approach, one finds that any physical measurement contains two contributions, one from each sub-space. When the “coupling” coefficient between the two sub-spaces is small, one obtains the typical “unconditioned” space result (U(1) Gauge symmetry result). When the coupling coefficient is sufficiently large, the reciprocal-subspace contribution to the measurement is large and easily distinguishable from the direct-subspace portion (SU(2) Gauge symmetry result). In our Payson newly “conditioned” laboratory, we continuously monitor at individual stations (1) air temperature and water temperature (at several locations), (2) water pH, with or without added particulates (at several locations), (3) oxygen solubility in water (one location) and (4) cupric ion concentration in water (one location). For the past several months, we have been noticing anomalous bursts of information in the time-displays from these various data streams. These, we have theoretically correlated with “environmental perturbations” of both an external nature and an “in-lab” nature. This suggested to us that this “conditioned” lab with its “conditioned” instrument stations might constitute a sensitive detector for subtle energies. We tested this hypothesis, via the application of advanced kinesiological processing, on three human subjects with fairly difficult healthy challenges. The treatment table was set up in a clear space within the Payson laboratory and all the surrounding instrument stations were continuously monitored. No physical contact occurred between any of the participants and the various instrument stations. However, highly treatment-correlated, large-amplitude signature, multiple perturbation responses of the various data streams were detected. Discussion of these unique findings and the necessary background is the primary purpose of this talk.
Nonlinear Cooperative Properties of Whole Human Blood Vladimir Voeikov, PhD Professor, Department of Bioorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Biology, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Moscow, Russia We found that although undiluted blood is a highly opaque substance it may be a sufficiently intense source of photon emission (PE) especially if an immune reaction of neutrophils is induced in it. Free radical reactions in which reactive oxygen species (ROS) participate are the most plausible source for electron excited states generation that eventually expresses itself in PE. Intensity of PE dramatically increases if ROS probes such as luminol or lucigenin are added to blood. Parameters of PE depend upon interaction of white and red blood cells. In the presence of lucigenin high levels of PE are observed even in a non-disturbed healthy donors’ blood indicating of permanent production of ROS and generation of excited electrons in this tissue. Using sensitive single photon detectors we could observe specific patterns of PE from non-diluted blood even if no PE enhancers are added to it. Non-linear complex oscillatory patterns may be analyzed by using contemporary mathematical approaches for analysis of long time series. Dynamic patterns of PE in healthy donors’ and patients’ blood (especially blood of patients with cardiovascular diseases) were significantly different and they changed with changes of a state of health of an individual in a characteristic manner. Studies of PE from whole blood helped to reveal some new fundamental properties of this tissue. PE from even small portions of blood (0,2 ml) may last for tens of hours indicating of its vast energy reserves. Photons are emitted in oscillatory manner even if blood is not disturbed. When blood is irritated with periodic stimuli, well-pronounced low-frequency waves of PE are often observed. Blood strongly reacts to subtraction of some part of it (figuratively speaking, upon cutting it into parts) by enhancement of PE. If even a part of photons emitted by blood is reflected back to it, blood reacted to such influence by changes in metabolic activity. In particular, back reflected photons accelerate a slowly developing respiratory burst at its early stage, and at the stage of its decay they prolong the process. Taking into consideration that quantity of energy absorbed by blood under these conditions is extremely small, a very potent amplification mechanism should be involved in the development of its response. When blood temperature was cyclically changed within the range of 35-38 0C, a profound hysteresis in PE intensity was observed and its pattern strongly depended upon physiological state of blood or a stage of immune response in blood in which it was artificially induced. PE responded in a highly paradoxical way to temperature elevation over the physiologically tolerable level. When it increased to 410C a sharp decline in PE was observed, but as soon as temperature started to decrease PE decline was halted and its intensity began to increase irrespective of blood cooling down.We also evaluated dynamic properties of whole blood by a different method developed by us - ESR-graphy - a continuous monitoring of erythrocytes sedimentation with a special opto-electronic and computerised device. We found that the boundary between packing blood cells and plasma moves in an oscillatory, rather than in monotonous manner again indicating that active and non-linear process are taking place in blood. Patterns of ESR-grams strongly depend on a state of health of an individual, as well as on blood pre-treatment and on additions to it of different substances. In particular we have found that the parameters of ESR-grams of patients in intensive care unit dramatically changed on the days with geomagnetic storms in comparison to patterns of ESR-grams on “quiet” days. Thus blood seems to respond to very weak fluctuations of a magnetic field and the magnitude of its response depends upon a state of health of an individual. Taken together, these results demonstrate that blood behaves as a cooperative living system whose parts unceasingly interact in time and space in order to provide maximal efficiency in exerting its physiological functions. We suppose that blood has properties of an active medium in the first place due to continuous wave-like generation of electron excited species in it, and that this property of blood provides for its high sensitivity of external weak, but resonant influences.
Development of a biological detection system for human intent emission Masatake Yamauchi, PhD Research Fellow, Radiation Safety Research Center, National Institute of Radiological Sciences 4-9-1 Anagawa, Inage, Chiba 263-8555 Japan
Biological effect of the stimulant emitted by human being, typically claimed by the Qigong masters, has not been established and its existence is arguable. Previously, we carried out a simple experiment using HeLa cells as a detector of the effect (1). The experiment was planned to detect the effect by the survival of human cells in presence of intolerable dose of G418, an antibiotic, or X-ray irradiation. The results were very difficult to evaluate, since the difference in survival of the treated and untreated cells was not drastic. The acquirement of the drug resistance by cancer cells may have been not an adequate experimental system for this purpose, since the cells were continuously cultured in the medium containing intolerable dose of G418. The effect of the stimulant emission, if any, may have been suppressed by the continuous presence of the drug. The survival of the treated cells was slightly higher than that of the untreated. However, we could not obtain any clear evidences for the effect of the stimulant emission through these experiments. Currently we are conducting an advanced experimental study aimed at detecting the effect of the stimulant emission of human being by using the human primary cultured cells from various tissues that are available commercially. The effect of the emission is being evaluated by the growth rate of the cells. We suggest that the primary cultures of human cells are much more similar to human cells within the human body that may be receptive to the effect of the emission. Since the cell division is involved in the normal healing process of injuries, we expect that the experimental system using the human primary cultured cells can serve the purpose of developing a biological detector for the stimulant emission. Results will be presented at the Symposium.
Reference 1. Masatake Yamauchi, Toshiyuki Saito, Mikio Yamamoto, and Masahiko Hirasawa, Attempts to Develop an in Vitro Experimental System for Detecting the Effect of Stimulant Emission Using Cultured Human Cells. Journal of International Society of Life Information Science, V.14, No.2, 1996.
In vitro model of human biofield perception Garret L.Yount*, PhD, Jeremy L. West, Dan Moore, PhD * Scientist, California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute 2330 Clay Street, Stern Building San Francisco, CA 94115 USA (415) 561-1783 yount@cooper.cpmc.org
Diagnosis is an integral part of any medical system. Many complementary and alternative medical systems rely on subtle perceptual abilities that are not recognized by modern biomedicine. In traditional Chinese medicine, for example, qigong practitioners treat patients based on the perception and manipulation of Qi, a vital energy associated with the body. During an experiment in our laboratory evaluating external qigong treatment, a practitioner spontaneously reported the ability to perceive qualities of Qi being emitted from human cells cultured in Petri plates. The practitioner was not informed that the Petri plates contained tumor cells undergoing programmed cell death, yet he described an unmistakable “Qi disturbance” coming from these cell cultures. We are interested in evaluating the reliability of such perceptions and the parameters that can affect it. There are two major confounds inherent with diagnostic studies involving patients. First, individual differences between patients and the severity of diseases makes a specific diagnostic technique difficult to generalize across individuals. Second, it is difficult to control for the patient consciously or unconsciously cueing the healer. To exclude these two major confounds, we designed a pilot study to test the ability of experienced healers to perceive biologically relevant information from cultured human cells. The targets were randomly determined as either a cell culture flask holding human tumor cells or an identical flask with no cells. The task for the healers was to determine whether or not tumor cells were present in the target sample. Informed consent was obtained from the healers and the institutional review board for research involving human subjects approved the study protocol. The study incorporated a “double-blind” design and the target samples were kept inside of an opaque paper envelope to prevent any visual cueing as to the contents. The healer was permitted to evaluate the target from any distance, including touching the paper envelope, and then asked to write down whether s/he perceives the presence of tumor cells. The healer had the option to “pass” on any given trial. To test whether a healer could do better than chance, this process was be repeated until the healer offers at least 34 yes/no responses. The minimum number of trials is based on the assumption that a healer is able to perform at 80% accuracy (i.e. s/he is correct 80% of the time); 34 trials are needed for 80% power, with 23 or more correct required for statistical significance (p<0.05). Positive results of this ongoing pilot study could justify larger studies in which we could systematically evaluate a spectrum of target cell characteristics (e.g., cancer vs. normal cells) and physical parameters (e.g., physical barriers like a Faraday cage). The proposed work represents an initial step towards the goal of identifying experimental conditions, and ultimately clinical applications, in which human perception can function as a diagnostic tool
Skin resistance vs. body conductivity, electronic measurement on skin Chang-Lin Zhang, MD Professor of Biophysics, Siegen Univerisity
We will discussed several critical problems of electronic measurements on acupuncture system such as the size, shape, location and stability of acu-points and acu-meridians; the broad fluctuation of the measurement data; holographic phenomena and the statistical self-similarity of measurement data; transmission of the signal along a meridian and its speed; points of high conductivity and high sound intensity and the mathematical background of log-normal distribution of measurement data. Interpretation of these experimental results in view of the existing knowledge in modern anatomy, histology, neurology and biochemistry suggests that there is an invisible dissipative structure of electromagnetic field composed of an interference pattern of standing waves in the resonance cavity of human body that is supported by metabolic energy in the open system. To some extent this invisible structure corresponds to the acupuncture system, which opens a scientific, quantitative way to evaluate the degree of coherence, namely harmony, of a body-mind system.
This Program Announcement expires on October 22, 2003, unless reissued. DEVELOPMENTAL /PILOT PROJECTS IN CANCER COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE (CAM) Release Date: December 17, 2001 PA NUMBER: PAR-02-040 National Cancer Institute (http://cancer.gov/) National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (http://nccam.nih.gov/) Letter of Intent Dates: January 16, 2002, May 17, 2002, September 16, 2002, January 16, 2003, May 23, 2003, September 16, 2003 Application Receipt Dates: February 20, 2002, June 21, 2002, October 21, 2002, February 20, 2003, June 20, 2003, October 21, 2003 THIS PA USES "MODULAR GRANT" AND "JUST-IN-TIME" CONCEPTS. MODULAR INSTRUCTIONS MUST BE USED FOR RESEARCH GRANT APPLICATIONS REQUESTING LESS THAN $250,000 PER YEAR IN ALL YEARS. MODULAR BUDGET INSTRUCTIONS ARE PROVIDED IN SECTION C OF THE PHS 398 (REVISION 5/2001) AVAILABLE AT http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/phs398/phs398.html. PURPOSE The Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine of the National Cancer Institute (NCI), and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) invite research grant applications from interested investigators to conduct innovative developmental pilot research investigating Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) in cancer. The intent of this initiative is to encourage and support the development of basic and clinical CAM cancer research and to provide the basis for more extended research projects by establishing the methodological feasibility and strengthening the scientific rationale for these projects. This announcement is also intended to stimulate and facilitate the entry of promising investigators into cancer CAM research through a program of exploratory investigator-initiated R21 grants. The exploratory/developmental (R21) grant mechanism is used for pilot projects or feasibility studies to support the exploration of feasibility, as well as the development, of projects investigating CAM in cancer and for the generation of preliminary data. The R21 mechanism is specifically intended to support innovative ideas where preliminary data are sparse or do not exist. The R21 supported projects are intended to serve as a foundation for planning and developing future research projects (R01s). The objective of this Program Announcement (PA) is to encourage applications from individuals who are interested in testing novel or conceptually creative ideas that may produce innovative advances in the understanding and use of CAM in cancer. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES [...] There is a paucity of R01 funded research grants in the field of cancer CAM. Therefore, to increase the number and quality of investigator-initiated R01 research grants on cancer CAM, the NCI's Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine and NCCAM developed this PA for Developmental/Pilot Projects in Cancer CAM. Applications will undergo competitive review organized by the NCCAM in collaboration with the NCI. The intent of this initiative is to encourage and support the development of basic, and clinical (prevention, therapeutic and palliative) CAM cancer research. Another goal of this initiative is to facilitate communication and collaboration between the CAM practitioner and the conventional cancer research communities. For the purpose of this PA, applicants must include modalities from the following broad program areas in CAM: Alternative Medical Systems (e.g., oriental medicine, Ayurvedic, homeopathy, naturopathy); Manipulative and Body-based Systems (e.g., chiropractic, osteopathic, massage therapy or unconventional applications of integrated conventional and physical therapies); Energy Therapies. These approaches focus either on energy fields purported to originate within or be conducted through the body (e.g., external qi gong, therapeutic touch, Reiki, intentional effects on living systems); or those from other sources [e.g., therapeutic application of electromagnetic (EM) fields including pulsed EM fields, magnetic fields, Direct Current (DC) fields]. Pharmacological or Biologically based Therapies (e.g., metabolic therapies and immunoaugmentative therapies as used by CAM practitioners or the public such as Coley's toxin, Enzyme therapies, the Livingston-Wheeler system, the Revici system, or 714-X ) Herbal Medicine (Note: This category includes studies of whole plant products or extracts and does not include the study or isolation of active ingredients from herbal preparations except where identification and standardization of optimal whole product are the specific aim -- e.g. optimal ratio of glycosides and terpenoids in Ginkgo biloba -- or comparisons are being made to the whole product); Orthomolecular Medicine - This category includes the use of nutritional and food supplements, Co-enzyme Q10, carnitine, melatonin, vitamins) for therapeutic or preventive purposes. These products are usually used in combinations and at very high doses (5-10 fold) well above the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) when such RDAs have been defined. Mind-Body Medicine: Concept proposals in this category will be considered only if they are limited to those mind-body approaches that are used by the public or practitioners outside of a conventional medicine setting (e.g., transcendental meditation, imagery, hypnosis, biofeedback, music therapy, yoga, relaxation, spirituality, biological effects of consciousness). Mind- body approaches that are relatively integrated into conventional medicine (e.g., patient education, psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral approaches, etc.) will NOT be considered unless physiologic endpoints (e.g., immune parameters) or disease parameters (response rate to conventional therapy, disease-free survival, overall survival) are the primary outcome measures; Applications may also focus on interactions between these modalities and non- CAM cancer treatment and therapies (e.g. Drug Interactions: studies to evaluate the potential interaction of antioxidant compounds and conventional chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy.) ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Applications may be submitted by foreign and domestic, for-profit and not- for-profit organizations, public and private, such as universities, colleges, hospitals, laboratories, units of State and local governments, and eligible agencies of the Federal government. Racial/ethnic minority individuals, women, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply as principal investigators. INQUIRIES Inquiries are strongly encouraged. The opportunity to clarify any issues or questions from potential applicants is welcome. Direct inquiries regarding programmatic issues to: Wendy B. Smith, Ph.D. Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine National Cancer Institute Executive Plaza North 6130 Executive Blvd Suite #102, MSC 7302 Bethesda, MD 20892-7302 Telephone: (301) 435-7980 FAX: (301) 480-0075 Email: smithwe@mail.nih.gov Mary Ann Richardson, DrPH National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine 6707 Democracy Blvd, Suite 102 Bethesda, MD 20892-5475 Telephone: (301) 402-1272 FAX: (301) 480-3621 Email: marich@mail.nih.gov Direct inquiries regarding fiscal matters to: Ms. Eileen Natoli Grants Administration Branch National Cancer Institute EPS-Room 243 Bethesda, Maryland 20892 Telephone: (301) 496-8791 FAX: (301) 496-8601 Email: natolie@gab.nci.nih.gov Direct inquiries regarding review matters to: NCI Referral Officer Division of Extramural Activities National Cancer Institute 6116 Executive Boulevard, Room 8109, MSC 8329 Bethesda, MD 20892-8329 Rockville, MD 20852 (for express/courier service) Telephone: (301) 496-3428 Fax: (301) 402-0275 Email: ncidearefof-r@mail.nih.gov Dr. Martin Goldrosen Office of Review National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine 6707 Democracy Blvd., Suite 106 MSC 5475 Bethesda, Maryland 20892-5475 Telephone: (301) 496-4792 Fax: (301) 480-2419 Email: goldrosm@mail.nih.gov [...] For full text of announcement, please see http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-02-040.html 3. Human Frontier Science Program Homepage: http://www.hfsp.org/
The aim of the HFSP is to support basic research focused on complex mechanisms of living organisms; fields supported range from brain functions to biological functions at the molecular level. Particular emphasis is now placed on bringing scientists from fields such as physics, mathematics, chemistry, computer science and engineering together with biologists to open up new approaches to understanding complex biological systems.
Research Grants are awarded for projects that
involve extensive collaboration among teams of scientists working in different
countries. Emphasis is on novel collaborations that bring together scientists
from different disciplines. Fellowships are available to scientists who
wish to work in foreign laboratories, with emphasis on individuals early in
their careers.