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Migrations into the Future Present during Remote Viewing
Part I

by Sita Seery


Time and space are modes by which we think and not conditions in which we live.�

-----Albert Einstein


    Is it possible that the trauma of a future event could have a significant impact on a current remote viewing session?  I believe it is very possible and may have happened to members of the Hawaii Remote Viewers� Guild (HRVG) while working a simple validation target.  The regular members of the HRVG meet weekly on Monday nights to work validation targets.  In any remote viewing group, it is vital to the continued success of a group to sustain its standard of expertise by working targets that continuously challenge the subconscious.  Like any other learned skill, remote viewing requires continual practice in working targets in order to remain qualified as an effective viewer.


     On Monday, September 10, 2001, only nine of the 14 or more regular viewers arrived for class.  This evening was no different from other nights except for the fact that it was approximately 12 hours and 40 minutes (HST), but in reality, only approximately 6 hours and 40 minutes due to the time zone shifts until the first terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York City.  As a general rule, our chief instructor ensures that we begin target work not later than 8:00 pm on Monday evenings.


     During the remote viewing session that evening, several unusual events occurred which I speculate were influenced by the horrific events of the next day.  First, I would like to illustrate the environment under which HRVG views on a typical Monday night session.  The classroom is about 22 feet x 35 feet in size and has a de-ionizer machine that operates constantly which minimizes air pollutants and expels cleaner air.  As a result, we are normally able to breathe much better while working the prescribed target.  We are seated at close interval to each other, with the average space between chairs at approximately two to three inches apart.  When the class is filled to maximum capacity, maneuvering back and forth becomes a challenge.  After remote viewing in this classroom for over four years, we have been conditioned to ignore or filter the sounds of the squeaking chairs, sighs and grunts of our fellow viewers, along with other minor distractions such as flying insects, ants or infrequent power surges that temporarily causes the lights to glow brighter for a few seconds.  The tables of the classroom are lined against the wall, with one entire row of tables running down the center of the room.  The chairs are placed on the outside of the tables aligning the walls so the viewers face a neutral toned front to optimize viewing conditions.   The late comers have the disadvantage of being seated along the middle row with viewers to their front and rear areas. Overall, it is not the most ideal setting for a remote viewing session, but we are trained to view under any condition, with or without momentary distracters.


     On the evening of September 10, 2001, we began our remote viewing session as we are accustomed to doing on many previous evenings.  The lights were dimmed to a comfortable level; we began our cool down activities and individually began to make contact with the signal line established for us by the targeteer.  A few minutes into the session the viewer to my left began to sneeze.  He sneezed several times and soon, other viewers followed his lead.  A tidal wave of sneezing and coughing waffled through the classroom.  We were somewhat distracted by this episode because it was highly irregular for a chain reaction of any unusual distraction to occur during our remote viewing sessions.  In the four previous years of remote viewing in the classroom, I could not recall a single moment where the distraction was of such a magnitude that it interfered with my own remote viewing session.  I thought this incident to be quite irregular.


    During execution of Stage 2 protocols, I focused on Sights (visuals) in NIMO Playfair. (NIMO Playfair is a data collection matrix that requires the viewer to obtain visual, auditory, olfactory, taste and tactile sensations from the sub).  I was suddenly overcome by a wave of nausea so intense that it made me double over for a few seconds.


     I must digress from the topic for a moment to explain what happens when some viewers make repetitive journeys to the subconscious territory.  Remote viewers have a tendency to become highly sensitized toward certain influences as a probable byproduct of years of driving their primary awareness into the theta stratum.   HRVG had several viewers who were accomplished intuitives with well developed access to their staging area on the collective signal line.  Historically, our viewers discovered that if they had any innate intuitive skills, remote viewing appears to expand these abilities. If they have never used their intuitive abilities remote viewing is a process by which they learn to engage them. 


     On a personal level, as an intuitive, I have become sensitive to various sensations and subtle �signals� sent from my own subconscious to the primary awareness.  When the wave of nausea hit me, I found it momentarily difficult to maintain focus on the target at hand.  My sub sometimes provides �clues� to significant changes or events that occur around me.  I can sometimes sense the presence of unseen entities.  The area to my right will suddenly become a few degrees colder and the coldness would remain localized within a small area; or, I would get �flashes� of events and something I call the �knowing� presents itself to me as a knowledge of an event that occurred or is about to occur.  In this state of awareness, time and are space irrelevant.  I simply �know� it is so, with no rational explanation for the �knowledge.�  An example of this was a time many years ago, when my daughter approached me with stomach pains.  I �knew� she had appendicitis.  My ex-husband laughed at me and thought I was silly for taking her to the hospital for a mere stomach ache.   When the doctors examined her, they couldn�t find anything wrong at first.  However, the pediatrician decided to take some x-rays as an added precaution.  When the x-rays were developed, he said that she had what would soon become acute appendicitis, and they had to operate right away.  Through the years, I have experienced repeated incidents similar to what I have described.  I learned to discern the difference between a physical and a �psychic� sensation.  Unfortunately, I cannot find the precise words to describe the events that occur which would provide an accurate depiction of what actually transpires during these moments.  During these episodes, it appears at times that I enter something akin to a vacuum, devoid of sensory imprints.  At that moment, my awareness appears to have been fully captured from past present to the continuous �now� as it occurred.  Everything seemed to move in slow motion, with no sound. The strange nausea I felt during this period was a psychic sensation that was so intense that it affected my physical being for a few moments before dissipating.  Although I found it unusual, I tried to disassociate from that sensation during the remote viewing session.  I must confess to being somewhat irritated by the interruption of my psychic sensations during that time.


     As I progressed through the protocols with my fellow viewers, the next strange incident occurred in Stage 5, while moving into theta awareness.  Earlier in my work, during execution of Stage 2 protocols in NIMO Playfair, I began to  receive signals of an aircraft with a rotating propeller.  In my sessions, an airplane is always depicted with a propeller, regardless of the type of aircraft.  The front part of an airplane is my strongest visual indicator that a flying craft is associated with the target.  I often see only half the aircraft and I believe that it is due to my innate tendency to hurry through a session.  I sensed that the aircraft was NOT the target, and that there may be some interference with the target data.  When this situation develops during my remote viewing session, I try to clear the mind of all visual and other invasive influences by doing something we call �flashing blackboard.�  In my mind, flashing blackboard is similar to the pen that Tommy Lee Jones used in the movie �Men in Black-MIB.� In the movie, the pen was used to erase the memory of anyone who was exposed to the blinding flash of light emitted when he clicked on the penlight.  Like the movie, I see a blinding flash of light when flashing blackboard.  The screen of my mind is filled with this exploding illumination and immediately after, my blackboard is cleared.  However, on this evening, I must confess I had tremendous difficulty in flashing blackboard.  I sensed psychic interference.  During session work, the visuals and kinesthetic feedback from the signal line are sometimes so intense that they tend to corrupt the flow of data relating to the target.  This is most pronounced during sessions where the target evokes strong a emotional reaction.  As a viewer, I have been tracking my work and conducting my own profiling to determine where my positive and negative tendencies become most apparent in my work.  It has helped me to understand the mechanism of my thought pattern with more clarity. 


     The target on September 10, 2001 was IBKU-THLU, Timothy Leary with Flotation Tank.




     It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words.  The following are scanned excerpts from the viewers who worked Monday�s target, and photographs of some collateral data.  Did we as a group of remote viewers receive hints and illustrations of the next day�s traumatic events that interfered with our abilities to accurately view the intended target?







Both viewers sat at opposite ends of the same room while working the Timothy Leary target.  It is not difficult for the analyst to identify that the target these two viewers were magnetized to was a tall structure.  I found it extremely interesting that both viewers drew a gigantic �X� in the center of the structure.  My

 first thought when I saw this was the sub�s message that the structure or structures were �cancelled� or eliminated.  Barton confirmed my suspicion by further adding that something rotating was moving toward the structure.  Was Barton�s and James� sub going through a state of kryptomnesia, a state when �memories� are experienced that have not been consciously perceived but recorded in the causal plane of existence, or  do both viewers ALWAYS draw large rectangular structures with �x�s� in front of them every week?  I can personally attest that the latter is not so.  Both viewers� work are as diverse as their dynamic personalities.


Barton�s Visual Ideogram                Ferla�s Visual






September 11, 2001 plane moments before plunging into one of the buildings of the World Trade Center. (Photo: Washington Post)




Dick�s Structure in S4 Cascade.                              Sita�s Visual Ideogram




Both Barton and George identified a ladder.






Barton�s ladder against a structure        George�s ladder with a human



     It appears that the validation target worked that Monday prior to the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington D.C. held no interest to the majority of viewers.  We were all drawn to a future event.  Barton continued to provide data more congruent to Tuesday�s attacks than the prescribed target. 






                                       George�s work in S2 NIMO Playfair identifies a human and a dog.




  Ferla also had indicated a �dog or wolf� in his work.


     During the aftermath of the disaster at the World Trade Center, we learned that cadaver dogs were used to help find bodies of the victims.




The aftermath of the attack on the WTC. (Photo credit: FEMA)


     In Playfair, George identified a flag unfurled.  Of all the flags he could have selected, he specifically drew the American flag.



WTC explosion on September 11, 2001.

Sita�s data in S4 Cascade


                   Kathy�s S3 site sketch of her work.







People stranded on upper floors of the World Trade Center.                 George�s graphic in

 (Photo credit:  Washington Post)                                                                  Playfair.


     One of the most traumatic events that occurred during the attack was this scene.  People were trapped on the upper floors of the World Trade Center.  Many hung out the window waiting to be rescued.  Others jumped.





 Jimmy�s work in S4 Cascade.  He identifies a human observing a pyramid shape structure with flames at the top. The photo below identifies firefighters walking around, putting out fires and searching through the debris at the site of the World Trade Center.  The photo is similar to his description.



    (Photo credit: Washington Post)                         Sita�s sight in Playfair of slats

                                                                                with crumpling  sounds.



    Some of the viewers picked up sensory data of decay, blood, rumbling sounds, to name a few.




Pame�s work in Playfair.                            Valtra�s capture of information in Playfair.



Kathy�s data in S4 Cascade.  Note her descriptors of significant congruency to the World Trade Center or Pentagon disasters.




Pame�s work in Playfair Sights and Sounds.                 People�s reaction to the scene                                                                                                            Near the World Trade Center.

                                                                                   (Photo credit: Washington Post)


     I speculate that time-space in relation to acquisition of congruent data for this particular target may have been overshadowed by our collective subconscious awareness as a result of the gravity and intensity of the pending terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.


     In his book, The Conscious Universe, Dr. Dean Radin describes something called �consciousness fields.�  He states that �the conceptual root of field consciousness can be traced back to Eastern philosophy, especially the Upanishads, the mystical scriptures of Hinduism.� 


     He indicates that the �idea of field consciousness suggests a continuum of nonlocal intelligence, permeating space and time.�  He gives an example of how individuals who under stress creates �an atmosphere of stress in collective consciousness that reciprocally affects the thinking and actions of every individual in that system�� (p159)


     The data provided in this presentation appears to substantiate the validity of a field-like web of consciousness, especially in the aftermath that followed the disaster and the world�s empathetic reaction at the time, and which continues at this writing.


     Our subconscious awareness is a curious spectator that may abandon a mundane target and gravitate to another one with substantial psychic stimuli.  As indicated by the product of our remote viewing session that evening, time and space was not a factor of consideration when our subconscious reacted to an event PRIOR to the actual manifestation of the incident.  It appears that our subs may have reacted as one unit in presenting to our primary awareness, the highlights of a horrendous future event with an accelerating emotional trauma.


     After completing work on a target, we often remove ourselves from the classroom to enable other viewers to finish up and to avoid further distraction to other viewers. 


         We have all been instructed that the collective is the great storehouse of all data, past, present and future.  The events of September 11, 2001 produced tremendous mental noise in the collective consciousness with a dramatic exponential emotional signature. In such events, it would not be too difficult for a remote viewer to find their subconscious becoming part of the globular mental noise.  In working previous targets with intense emotional imprint, we have discovered that the majority of our members produce excellent data.  I believe that these imprints make a pronounced indelible dent in the collective consciousness that they may represent road markers in the spiraling freeway of human evolution.


       Remote viewing anomalies will continue to provide new and continuously changing paths toward helping humanity to understand itself, internally and externally.  We can devote lifetimes to the study of consciousness strata, one plateau at a time, and the excitement of new understanding greets us with each rediscovery of information the ancient scholars previously identified and catalogued.  We may one day experientially validate the statement that truly, �there is nothing new to be discovered, for everything existing now has already existed.�  Psychological and theoretical studies of anomalous cognition and mental phenomena will continue because we have a lifelong quest to find truth.  And if we reach the heart of this massive, seemingly infinite storehouse of data, we may be surprised to discover our own reflections looking back at us.